$1500 Meta Quest Pro Hands-On: Mixed Reality, Face Tracking, and More

$1500 Meta Quest Pro Hands-On: Mixed Reality, Face Tracking, and More

Meta Quest Pro is Facebook’s latest VR/AR Headset. We tried it during a rare visit to Meta’s research labs and it feels transformed.


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About the Author: CNET


  1. How about this for a VR/AR headset application:

    A professional programmer or video editor goes on vacation and instead of bringing their laptop and a bunch of SSDs, they just bring their headset to work remotely. Through the headset they can access their could-based software and media files and then an interactive holographic interface appears showing their Adobe Premiere (or whatever application you choose) workstation. From here one can edit and save their work to the cloud, all without bringing a heavy laptop that might get stolen or damaged.

    Just one idea.

  2. If it's not meant for the same crowd as the Meta Quest 2 they should've not had their marketing up to this point be various AR games being played by 30 year olds.. I think meta is about to find the market for people interested in gen 1AR/face tracking adoption for $1500.00 is reletily small.

  3. This is way more than I would need but there's a lot of cool things about it. I'd love to give it a try but definitely won't be picking on up

  4. Who the fuzzzk is going to really buy this thing? Meta is a horrible idea. Maybe, MAYBE, I would like to try it for a few minutes just to see. But there is NO WAY people are going to adopt this crap for more than an hour.

  5. Until these are no longer headsets rather regular glasses they are not the next leap in computer .. they are not the next iPhone.

    I wonder how long that will take as I cant imagine people walking around town and throughout life with anything as bulky as what we see now and have seen.

  6. 1500 for a device that collects your facial features while you make online purchases.โ€” then sells that data to hundreds of advertisers. Wow! The future sucks!

  7. I tried to work with a VR headset using Immersed for excel and word, and man did I get queezy and my left eye started hurting. Maybe this higher resolution would help with this.

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