Top 10 Xbox Series X Games – Spring 2022 Update

Top 10 Xbox Series X Games - Spring 2022 Update

We’re still waiting on Microsoft’s big studio acquisitions to bear fruit, but in the meantime, there are still plenty of games to play on …


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About the Author: IGN Games


  1. My Series X has been collecting dust the past year. I've mostly been on my PC playing indie games on Steam. Triple A developers are lazy now.

  2. Guardians of the galaxy is a trash game. And the new halo is trash as well. Super slow updates halo 5 is still 1000000% better anyone who says otherwise is just a sheeple that didn’t pay attention to the game. Forza 5 has had the biggest drop off of players for any forza game. And elden ring is the same. Biggest drop off of players due to trash gameplay.

  3. Prostytutki zaprasza do siebie Tomasz Bartoszewicz! Lidzbark Warmiński! Ulica Kromera 9/14. 11-100 Lidzbark Warmiński in Poland! To jest prawda! Nie żartuję! Byle były one bezdzietne! Bez HIV! Bez AIDS!

  4. Halo 5 Guardians was great! Fireteam Osiris was fantastic, led By Spartan Locke!

    Ryan McCaffrey doesn't know wth he's talking about!

  5. There's nothing I've had my series x since release date and if nothings coming this year for the series x exclusives I mean I'm selling it gamepass is getting flooded with indie garbage as well

  6. Only 2 games that standout here, Microsoft need to step it up cus Sony is demolishing them with there first party exclusives

  7. I'd switch Halo place with Gears 5. Infinite's campaign is underwhelming.

    Also Forza Horizon 5 should be number 1, just because it's first party. You can play Elden Ring almost everywhere, so ranking it Nr.1 to own as an Xbox player is a little far fetched

  8. Ehh I’m good on all those games lol. MW2 will be killer on Series X, that’s really what i’m excited for this year. tbh i’m actually good with third party developed games for 2022. xbox can start off strong the next year. I still have more games that i need to get off my backlog as well.

  9. "We wanted to stick to exclusives, but we don't quite have 10 of those yet."

    Also, it sure is depressing to see Halo Infinite lauded as this great comeback, when it is easily the worst mainline Halo game yet. Lackluster campaign. No co-op. Barebones multiplayer. How low our standards have fallen.

  10. I REALLY need to finish Guardians of the Galaxy. I’m literally halfway and I need to redownload it and finish it. Cause I was having fun and then I got distracted.

  11. Psychonauts 2 is a heavy hitter. So charming and hilarious the only game Ive 100% on my series X

  12. That material has had to be made in order to our latest news about Stratfield. So leaving xbox fans for a year without big release that must have upset lots of people.

  13. Psychonaughts 2 is probably the most memorable game I’ve played in over 10 years. I never played the first one but that game blew me away. Forza Horizon 5 was also stunning and I don’t even like car games. That game more like Tony Hawk Pro Skater with cars.

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