7 New Things in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

7 New Things in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga promises to become the biggest LEGO game ever. TT Games has packed in all nine …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. Never been bothered by Lego games, what I've played of them bored me but this looks awesome, the vehicle battles look way better than rogue squadron

  2. 🌌Hi can anyone answer please??
    1) Can you play through Story mode Online with a buddy?
    2) Can you play through Story mode offline with a buddy?

  3. Some of the things you mentioned as “new” aren’t new to Lego Games. Lego Incredibles has class-based abilities and characters are grouped by class in the selection menu. The third person shooting behind cover was definitely a thing in Lego the Force Awakens as well nothing new there.

  4. They need this treatment on older lego games like middle earth lotr-the hobbit jurassic park-jurrassic world Harry potter and who knows maybe new games like lego back to the future

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