Kevin O'Leary URGENT WARNING for Bitcoin: "I Sold My Positions"

Kevin O'Leary URGENT WARNING for Bitcoin: "I Sold My Positions"

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About the Author: Only The SAVVY


  1. This man is trying to twist the truth and make it clear that he wants his BITCOIN to be special just more BS from the top Bull crapper it's all total BS !

  2. The only reason you don’t live in absolute squalor is because of fossil fuels. These people suggesting we need to get off them are deranged and psychotic.

  3. oleary a complete joke, QueSTION how much carbon is in the atmosphere ??? well; so all this climate stuff is bs; tax collection and to take your minds off the pedo; piza trafficking oligarks sharks

  4. Blackrock and Vanguard are the biggest scumbag companies on Earth. Carbon this and that is a total con. Screw these institutions. The new fix on bs is in and only fools have fallen for this. I do not agree with any of it. How much did Kevin sell his soul for?

  5. what about batteries and everything else produced in china? with energy from Cole. no human rights and nothing counts on that. only if its crypto. get lost

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