Slavoj Zizek: The Reality of the Virtual

In this tour de force filmed lecture, Slavoj Žižek lucidly and compellingly reflects on belief – which takes him from Father Christmas to democracy – and on the …


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About the Author: Casper Børretzen


  1. “So far and so unimaginable.” It appears that in 2021 a pair of Cross Reality glasses would be necessary to translate the “reality of the virtual” within our 3 dimensions Plus Time “realities”. The exponential multiplication of the “known unknowns” would require Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence to track, decode and in order to be rendered back into “known knowns”. #FBI #DOD #DHS #ATF #CIA #TheJusticeDepartment would appreciate this lecture during such turbulent times. #LOVEFORALLHATREDFORNONE

  2. can someone give me some more info on what Zizek is talking about Einstein reversing the general theory of relativity? I thought space-time is bent because of the planets.

  3. What is Zizek trying to explain with the example of the military song? Can anyone please explain? Why is the song a shadowy virtual reality? And why is it necessary to accompany a military discourse?

  4. I find myself struggling to agree with his critique of postcolonial critical theory that he makes around the 30 minute mark. Much later, somewhere before or around 50 mins, I agree with that critique: multicultural capitalism functions to undermine class struggle, and perhaps class consciousness in general. I too fear a continuous recognition of differences (an unending operation of recognition) is to the service of liberal capitalism. However, standing against this position is much easier when you do not feel the pressure accompanied from remaining without that recognition.

    Interesting talk, nonetheless.

  5. Why does he mix up the "real Real" and the "imaginary Real" in this? Or why does he mix it up in his book On Belief, where Zizek states the following:

    "so that we have the “real Real” (the horrifying Thing, the primordial object, like Irma’s throat), the “symbolic Real” (the signifier reduced to a senseless formula, like the quantum physics formulae which can no longer be translated back into – or related to – the everyday experience of our life-world), AND the “imaginary Real” (the mysterious je ne sais quoi, the unfathomable “something” that introduces a self-division into an ordinary object, so that the sublime dimension shines through it)."

    I might be stupid but the video and that excerpt seem to contradict.

  6. animist african and brazilian relegions are religios materialism…
    …germanic or nordic witchkraft also used to be, before christianity came and wiped out reality from them and gave us the unreachable relation with utopian behaivorism and impossible loveble virtues

  7. The big antagonism is (with) the big universal Other. The big Other then is the static/synchronic virtual space that systematically operates as the logical reference. The way station like the intermediary steps in the process of solving the rubix cube- a mobile space that one uses to keep from painting oneself into a corner.

  8. This is the best zizek video I have seen in a long while, clear, concise and without him regurgitating the same jokes / points incessantly. Thanks for uploading it, interesting ideas.

  9. So what was the real real? I didn't quite catch it and then got lost after that. I think sadly to understand this essay one has to have profound knowledge of Hegel, Marx, Lacan, Deleuze… Or pretty much everything Zizek knows about. Which is to say, the blame is on him.

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