Learn more and sign up here to be notified at launch: https://ring.com/announcements [US Only] Ever feel like you left the door unlocked, or forgot to turn off the …
Learn more and sign up here to be notified at launch: https://ring.com/announcements [US Only] Ever feel like you left the door unlocked, or forgot to turn off the …
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Ive been waiting on drone tech and home security to hit the DIY market for awhile. This is great!
It would be good cooperation with my ring doorbell. Where i can buy it in Europa
Ok where is it?
what the hell this scared my spirt out of my body
Buying this drone its the true robery
Ok, all you need now is some sort of fire arm attached to it and your good.
time to install full auto .22 on it and shoot the fkers on site !
When is this coming to the uk?, why do we always get stuff last!
Really. SMACKDOWN WITH THE BAT. What do you think The thief with the mask is gonna look at the thing like this idiot. This is really stupid. Now the 20 cameras is not INAF. Get…
You all cooperate with the cops right? ?
What's wrong with wireless ip cameras?
Does ring have local storage ?
What a time to be a robber where the expensive technology comes to you
You know the robber can just smack that right
Will this device respond to an alert from a Flood and Freeze Sensor? The ability to see if water is actually leaking would be critical information to have before remotely turning off the water supply to the home.
Well that’s awesome
Would totally buy it
Ring is so creative with their thing!!!
Oh No! … Oh YES!!! I'm getting two of these for 548$ in total… yup. Ring tm just keeps getting Better ans BETTER!!!
how weird and neat
Awesome! I’ll be buying ??
I feel like a burglar would just steal this or break it as soon as it gets close. Not all criminals are the bumbling boobs from home alone.
1.The robber will destroy it(without hesitation)
2.Is the robber meant to see this flying thing or no?
4.Its stupid.
Will there be a Decepticon package that comes with mini bullets!!? Would be nice to engage the hostile burglar remotely and chase him half up the street!
burglar will obviously have his face covered nd will hit that flying camera homerun
Must be very painful for that robber actor that he nailed the robber role cos he really looks like one.
Wouldn't the intruder just hit it
If I allow myself to live in this level of paranoia of “safety” that they claim, I will jump off the bridge.
No way, what if the drone needs to open doors inside our own home? This is some next level security tech nonsense.
Government doesn't have to do anything. People 1984 themselves.
Is there a model that shoots.
This is a dream. When i could buy it ?
This is really cool but can't the intruder just steal the camera or smack it down?
Reading the comments was more interesting than the product ?
I thought this was a joke.
This is oddly amazing
What the fuck!?
Imagine no ones in the house and this thing starts to fly around checking out everything inside lmao
Cool drone but you still need eyes on the entire house