IGN Reviews – Captain America: Super Soldier Game Review

IGN gives its video review for the new game Captain America: Super Soldier. Captain America is reporting for duty. But is the game worth recruiting? IGN’s …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. This game, while is a tie in, its not supposed to be the movie in a game. Besides, what would be the point of a weak Steve Rogers moment. This is from someone who has the game and loves it, and I’m not afraid of judgement. As for the graphics, it was 2010, what’d you expect? I can agree on the platforming, it’s hard to get a perfect timing, but that just adds to the challenge. I don’t know why you be hating on this game.

  2. Brah i just found this for $5 at a flea market (its a rare game now) and i have to say, its REALLY fun. They are not truly that bad and a fun way to pass the time. Sure it could be ALOT better but the level designs (as far as collectables goes) and combat keep me coming. Plus its not as short as some other 360 games ive recently played. Give it a try, if you can ever find it

  3. it would be nice to know what system you are reviewing it for as it was released on the 360, ps3, wii, ds and 3ds and if that's what it looks like on the ds i'm very happy and think it looks amazing.

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