Take a virtual reality journey into the future of spaceflight

Take a virtual reality journey into the future of spaceflight

Fifty years after the first moon landing, CNNVR takes you on an animated journey across time and space to explore what’s next for humans in space. From space …


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About the Author: CNN


  1. I wish people would stop focusing so much on space exploration and work more on improving the Earth's current condition, like global warming, deforestation, and nuclear energy. We should be making life better for generations to come…

  2. Iran be like
    “Turn your spacecraft to heading 360 degrees and you will not be harmed.”

    Britain be like “Na fam, then we will be heading for deep space we’re good”

    Iran “fuck it we’re boarding”

  3. The thing about Armstrong , he never thought his accolade was solely his own because many of his colleagues paid the ultimate sacrifice to make the moon landing a success, to him they were the true heroes !

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