The technology behind modern virtual reality is rapidly evolving, but what exactly helps create a better sense of realism and immersion? WIRED has challenged …
This is the 1st time I’ve heard his voice, and it’s way higher pitched than I thought it’d be
I would do anything to sit in front of this guy bro
Next booming tech
It’s gonna be a lot more time until I can pull of a Starburst Stream. Sad
That kid is not five years old at all. I don’t know the point of this
Yo somebody ask the Oculus guy why they orphaned the Rift S
Well. This was an excellent introduction to John Carmack. Thank you, internet.
oh hi john carmack
For anyone who doesn't know who this man is, he wrote and coded the first first person shooter and created Team deathmatch
That grad student is cuteeee
That kid does not look 5 lol
"So we can make you believe that you're in a mount-" or in minecraft
little does he know that one day an eleven year old will have one and be awesome at learning about it and using it.
This video title is like saying "Carpentry expert explains one concept" and then featuring Jesus Christ. Like technically it's correct but it's kinda underselling things.
Throw those inverse square roots in there and you might solve it lol.
Carmack just doesn't get older, what a legend.
I am very surprised by how much Jesse Eisenberg knows about virtual reality!
Get Stephanie Kelton to explain Modern Monetary Theory
God:" Hi, I'm God, I'm the lead designer of that thing that makes balloons stick to the ceiling."
The point Carmack makes at the end about optimization is key. In fact it's a shame that optimization took a back foot to beauty and graphics with the availability of more powerful hardware, but then again there's such a thing called timelines in game development.
Would be cool to know his favorite video games.
Who's this random VR engineer bloke
Those Hiroshima & Nagasaki bombs be turning 5 year olds into 10 year olds.
Just. Don’t have an expert on anymore who mumbles. I almost couldnt understand a single word this guy said and it was incredibly frustrating.
When you have carmack in the vid, you plaster JOHN CARMACK EVERYWHERE.
Is it just me or the college student looks like his son
its the space brain, juvenile delinquent, rocket scientist, creator of the matrix and creator of mankind, john carmack
Guys, what is this, why did you do him dirty like this? He's so much more than 'oculus engineer' .
He's John FUCKIN Carmack, not 'some engineer'
Respect, to the legend, please. Its like calling Kurt Cobain 'a musician'
Levels should have been like ITYTD, HNTR, HMP, UV, and NM. This is JC (possibly, not that JC)
Am I the only one who stops understanding what's going on after a teenager stage?
all hail carmack
Doom is eternal
This is the 1st time I’ve heard his voice, and it’s way higher pitched than I thought it’d be
I would do anything to sit in front of this guy bro
Next booming tech
It’s gonna be a lot more time until I can pull of a Starburst Stream. Sad
That kid is not five years old at all. I don’t know the point of this
Yo somebody ask the Oculus guy why they orphaned the Rift S
Well. This was an excellent introduction to John Carmack. Thank you, internet.
oh hi john carmack
For anyone who doesn't know who this man is, he wrote and coded the first first person shooter and created Team deathmatch
That grad student is cuteeee
That kid does not look 5 lol
"So we can make you believe that you're in a mount-"
or in minecraft
little does he know that one day an eleven year old will have one and be awesome at learning about it and using it.
This video title is like saying "Carpentry expert explains one concept" and then featuring Jesus Christ. Like technically it's correct but it's kinda underselling things.
Throw those inverse square roots in there and you might solve it lol.
Carmack just doesn't get older, what a legend.
I am very surprised by how much Jesse Eisenberg knows about virtual reality!
Get Stephanie Kelton to explain Modern Monetary Theory
God:" Hi, I'm God, I'm the lead designer of that thing that makes balloons stick to the ceiling."
The point Carmack makes at the end about optimization is key. In fact it's a shame that optimization took a back foot to beauty and graphics with the availability of more powerful hardware, but then again there's such a thing called timelines in game development.
Would be cool to know his favorite video games.
Who's this random VR engineer bloke
Those Hiroshima & Nagasaki bombs be turning 5 year olds into 10 year olds.
Just. Don’t have an expert on anymore who mumbles. I almost couldnt understand a single word this guy said and it was incredibly frustrating.
When you have carmack in the vid, you plaster JOHN CARMACK EVERYWHERE.
Is it just me or the college student looks like his son
its the space brain, juvenile delinquent, rocket scientist, creator of the matrix and creator of mankind, john carmack
Guys, what is this, why did you do him dirty like this? He's so much more than 'oculus engineer' .
He's John FUCKIN Carmack, not 'some engineer'
Respect, to the legend, please. Its like calling Kurt Cobain 'a musician'
Levels should have been like ITYTD, HNTR, HMP, UV, and NM. This is JC (possibly, not that JC)
Am I the only one who stops understanding what's going on after a teenager stage?