Virtual Reality Engineer Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty | WIRED

Virtual Reality Engineer Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty | WIRED

The technology behind modern virtual reality is rapidly evolving, but what exactly helps create a better sense of realism and immersion? WIRED has challenged …


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About the Author: WIRED


  1. This video title is like saying "Carpentry expert explains one concept" and then featuring Jesus Christ. Like technically it's correct but it's kinda underselling things.

  2. The point Carmack makes at the end about optimization is key. In fact it's a shame that optimization took a back foot to beauty and graphics with the availability of more powerful hardware, but then again there's such a thing called timelines in game development.

  3. Just. Don’t have an expert on anymore who mumbles. I almost couldnt understand a single word this guy said and it was incredibly frustrating.

  4. Guys, what is this, why did you do him dirty like this? He's so much more than 'oculus engineer' .

    He's John FUCKIN Carmack, not 'some engineer'

    Respect, to the legend, please. Its like calling Kurt Cobain 'a musician'

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