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Please be advised that I own a diverse portfolio of cryptocurrency as I wish to remain transparent and impartial to the cryptocurrency community at all times, and therefore, the content of my media are intended FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES not financial advice. The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial legal or tax advice. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Purchasing cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss. The speaker does not guarantee any particular outcome. Past performance does not indicate future results.
This information is what was found publicly on the internet. This is all my own opinion. All information is meant for public awareness and is public domain. Please take this information and do your own research.
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Good Morning Crypto
Ivan on Tech by Ivan Liljeqvist
Timestamps (thanks to Slobodan)
00:00 – 01:00 – Research on pandemic effects on economy, time to recover, housing collapse.
02:00 – Unemployment 10M! and still going…
03:00 – Welcome to everyone – halving coming in a month.
04:00 – Humour in social media – Andy Ruther, freedom violation, so to speak.
05:00 – btc -0.2% down – Tokenize Xchange 200+% huge/low volume – Nervos – Generally speaking very stable.
07:00 – @J0E007 twitter commentary
09:00 – @balajis twitter commentary
10:00 – Crypto is a big opportunity working full time and remote!
11:00 – Mortgage repayments looking bad. Government support in unemployment. Debt can also be healthy and necessary.
14:00 – Free money from government.. will end soon. Depercussions discussed. Unemployment looked at again. Very serious time.
16:00 – 30% of US citizens could stop paying homeloans at the current rate. Go full time crypto! Landlord flexibility including banks may need to show compassion to reduce further impact.
18:00 – Short term interest rate that can support econonmy. Measures or KPIs necessary to gauge if we are on track or not – War impacts.
20:00 – Looked at different pandemics and their ecomonical impact and documented general impacts based on data.
22:00 – War vs pandemic differences. Past data helps with today's impacts.
24:00 – Employment – war – pandemic – we can be remote today which allows us to continue moving forward. We become stronger after these severe conditions. Travel not required to work. The new normal.
26:00 – Workplaces are looking at digital workplaces more and more.
27:00 – Depression till 2050?? Thoughts?
28:00 – Academy – Graduates opportunity – Job help is next step for academy service.
29:00 – Physical workplaces will reduce. Meeting in person will be less likely in future potentially. How workplaces are looking at removing people from various tasks moving towards automation?? Expensive workforces in repeatable functions.
31:00 – Holding skilled labor makes sense.
31:00 – Taking questions – CryptoYoda – What you did to learn about economy.
32:00 – Glassnode – NEW indicators, 10 more – See deals. Supports our channel.
33:00 – Hodler net positions indicator. Small dips in hodlers.
34:00 – Academy program overview.
34:00 – Questions taken.
35:00 – Looking at BTC 6.9-7K resistance overview. Can we break it?!
35:00 – Questions taken. Boxing! Ivan recons Nick will defeat Andres!
37:00 – Invite Rob Kiyosaki question?
38:00 – 10x rule – Gotta read it!
39:00 – Questions taken.
40:00 – Questions taken. Line between trading and gambling.
41:00 – Questions taken.
43:00 – Questions taken. Investing in self and saving! Savers are losers! in the fiat paradiam.
45:00 – Learn from people that are successful.
45:00 – If you learn programming you are set!
46:00 – Investing at least 1% in your assets theory. Good idea!
46:00 – Academy questions
47:00 – Questions taken. 7 day trial in academy. Zero risk!
47:00 – Questions taken. Bidao questions on staking.
49:00 – SNX question – value differences on different sites.
50:00 – SNX – market cap differences – metrics are different hence reasoning also.
51:00 – Quuestion asked, "Best place to do prograaming exercises?" Do projects instead best place to go. Go to Hackerank also if you like.
53:00 – Questions taken on further training on programming.
54:00 – Chat comment, should read proven "cracking code in interviews" methods! Proven method!
55:00 – Questions taken – Fan of tracemare?? Pumping GRIN.
56:00 – Cookie request for dark mode is in!
56:00 – End
Relax it will be fine, anticipate, learn new things, invest (not everything), if you dont have money — ''earn'' money! If you can't do those bye bye you are lost or you can always make doomday YouTube video's.
Hello, I'am a 30 y/o who was graduating HS in 2007. Being poor I couldn't afford college, so I had to go right into the workforce with the 3rd largest grocers in the US, so my family could continue to afford to live. Fast forward a decade and I'am still helping my parents out with expenses, while they help me by giving me a roof over my head. We are almost at a point where my parents can finally buy a home but I feel like that Weezer song: "the world has turned and left me here".
LTC: LTouRbMC9SrEeQPU5g541Q98pU8vqyAYTf
ETH: 0xc1e4bfAB6000045d0Cd6442d59c984B5d6667890
It would change my life. Stay together in these trying times. God bless.
hi ivan, i from malaysia, borneo sarawak. thank you thank you for sharing. appreciated getting lots information from you.
Nice one. depression for the next 30 years?? You have no idea what's coming next year. Come on! Anything to get a view.
30 years? thats horrible
I wouldn't mess with Nick Szabo, but will take Andreas's lunch money
Thank God I work from home ..
You said if someone can invest 50$/month that they should not do it. I disagree with you.
You are right on that if they think with this 50$/month they become wealthy they are wrong and should invest that to example educate themselves. However for someone this 50$/month can be something what is just affordable after all other expenses… they might not be able to invest more. If this 50 gets x10 times they can example bought gaming console (or whatever) what they would not otherwise have funds… what then brings wellbeing for them. Any amount is good to invest if that is "extra money". Keep sense to it, don't expect it makes you rich and invest only what you can loose.
25:04 where you gonna find Cheetos bro? Ive looked everywhere!!
Can I get a link to that job Seekers gif?
Ivan with an Degree biased world in which we live how can you sell we can make it with just a certificate from your academy?
5G is whats killing people NOT coronavirus. Coronavirus been around since the 60’s
5g virus?
Great research info
The world now has inter connectivity, more sophisticated ways to stem financial crisis than they had during the crash of 29'. It's comparing apples to oranges. We wont be in a 20 to 30 year depression by any means…
Now I need to unsubscribe, your way off base
Thank you. Really interesting.
McDonalds kills more people.
Ivan forgot to mention the virus is a scam. It's a nasty flu, that's it. Wake up.
What good will crypto be if all fiat is worthless?
You are like the Alex Jones of crypto. (not a compliment)
youtube the short 10 minute video: "how to deal with courts"
Once you know how the legal game is played they won't bother you any longer.
I think investing in Bitcoin now will be wise
Stocks will be once again recover by May and the many will miss the rally, citing depression and recession worries etc. (sorry it is already priced in). Sorry but no bull market this year for BTC. Jobless claims will be solved by the FED as always by unlimited money printing. Dont forget once the pandemic is over, tourism and the economy will explode 3x-10x most probably, don't miss the boat.
There will be a construction boom in the USA and Europe following the technology revolution, inflation won’t hurt governments that much after this because we are going to digital money
the solution to get faster on track after the pandemic is war. i think we will see a war coming up soon and it will start in the middle east .as you said ,people make more money when its war and they forget the pandemic faster
Ivan is it true sweden didnt have a big lockdown?
hehe the loser was Celsius and you dint what to announce it
30 year depression? wow you are a pessimist.
Ivan, I’m a plumber and love it. Don’t knock working with your hands. I pull 200g a year and more and more every year. No young people want to do it anymore.
Nonsense, that would be like saying you cannot get a loan unless you are already in debt
if crisis go deeper, no crypro are valuable. Valuable will be only that people, who can sow potatoes, and vegetables, who can access to fresh water. Y are mad if y think that anybody will sell rice or potatoes for any crypro numbers. More probably those people safe food for its family and neighbours and big cities will be pain to get anything fresh. But if vaccine will be released, can also quick to be back.
The bathroom attendant is awesome, he has cologne, single smokes, mints, and nice smelling hand soap. They are only at high-end night clubs.
singapore is almost debt free fyi
We don't have funds now but banks do. Robert Kyosaki recently said ppl should buy btc given QEi. This is entirely new from someone who never invests in markets at all. He's wealthy by real estate and metals. Now his millions of Rich Dad Poor Dad followers, Conservatives and wealthy older people, are being led to the promised land. Everyone getting free Tn bux will be looking to own btc now. Target CNN Fox and Cramer in your efforts. Thx Ivan.
He is NOT collecting coins. Stop spreading misinformation dude
Great title. Depression till 2050? I’m sure most people would click and watch this
So investing in bitcoins right now could be a good idea?
Totally agree with lots of what you say bud, thanks for the details on Pandemics and the economy. This information and videos are the most important right now….. Will see more and more people sell as this gets worse and the markets collapse. I just don’t like seeing Crypto Youtubers still pumping everyone with Hopium!! Why anyone is thinking slight green days on the Crypto prices will stick. Wake up, we are stepping into a Global Recession and Global Depression is incoming!! It’s all Fake outs!!
And majority of the population when they get their free government money won’t put it into Crypto or even any markets.
They will need to live and feed their families. Anyone who keeps saying BTC will pump from this has not been in this space as long as some of us have.
I have sold a few BTC since Dec and more this past wk. I’ll start to buy back when we drop under $3800./$4,k range and dollar cost average in till the bottom hits. It won’t surprise me if we drop down to $2000 levels. Why? Because their is over 7Billion people in the world and aprox. 1% in crypto. People will need their cash as people are loosing their jobs. There is not enough of the population and money in Crypto to make the price boom, not yet, it will one day but not yet and especially not now!!
The economy all won’t fix itself overnight, hold on tight this is going to get really bad. Once all the bankruptcies start to get reported watch all the markets crash even more, then we have entered the depression.
All this Government printing of money and stimulus into the economy to try and keep it afloat, it too will fail. All the green we see in the crypto market during this recession is pure manipulation and that’s it.
More people will start taking their money out of Crypto cause they will need it. We will find a bottom as lots of BTC wallet address haven’t moved anything nor will they, that’s where the bottom will be. I wont be selling anymore either but the bottom is still incoming.
People need to save what they can now, be there for family and each other and survive the next 12-18 months and longer as the economy will take months to recover once we hit bottom.
I’ve been in this space for many years and I’m ALL in on Crypto trust me, all my RRSPs and traditional investments I cashed out and put in Crypto back in 2016 after buying my first BTC in 2015. I even put my house up for Sale at the start of this year to dump the rest of my equity into Crypto and avoid the recession incoming from all the Corporate / Government debt but might of not timed it perfect. Now it looks like the house will sit a bit longer then I expected, but it will sell eventually and it’s all going into more Cryptocurrency!!
So trust me I’m ALL BULL on Crypto and seen enough to know how this can play out. So many Youtubers and Crypto Twitter peeps need to be real, stick to the news, let go of the hopium, referrals, Likes and especially the bottom of the barrel click bait titles!!
Stay healthy and stay safe my fellow Crypto lovers, we will one day goto the moon ?.
Keep up the good vids bud, thanks for keeping everyone informed!!
Talk too f..king much man..make a nice brief 15 minute video..you really give Asprin a headache..your info might be somewhat helpful but one hour of nonstop talking is way too much..Depressing.
This whole thing could actually lead to a big war. The US still has a massive military and they could collapse and lose their grasp on power over this. That often leads to wars. Specifically the US might want to fight China to stop them from getting too powerful…
Oh Ivan! Please take some lessons in broadcasting skills and maybe get a copy-editor or journalist to teach your people how to do timestamps.
For profit criminal justice is a capitalist system, not communist! The US has 5x higher incarceration rate compared to China.
Maybe if we were acting like communists we would only have 3k dead and not 200k?
I think we're acting like good old fashioned capitalists. Nothing communist about this.
Better, much better