VRChat – SHE HAS HIS ” HOT DOG ” IN A JAR ( Virtual Reality Gaming )

VRChat Adventures continue with more gaming moments and hilarious journeys. The VR world combines anime, avatars and more! Subscribe …


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About the Author: Nagzz21


  1. Court has been dismissed… The Judge has spoken.. Will touch ever get it back?! ALSO NOTE : I had IRL weddings to attend, I haven't been able to heart everyones comment but I have read them all as I read them with my notifications on my phone as they come in. I will be reviewing them tomorrow, before Our Monday 7pm ET Stream. Love you guys!

  2. nagzz children are amazing at court cases. remember andis, ribbon, and of course mad. and i think some of his other kids were in court cases too

  3. This was great, laughed so hard my stomach hurt. More humor please! This was great and I always get good laughs while watching these!! <3

  4. Touch couldโ€™ve still had anger due to the fact that it usually takes anywhere from 2 weeks to a month for the hormones to get worked out of a cats system after being neutered however you can never be to sure so yeah with this cat you did the right thing

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