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Y'all need to review nreal
I fear no man.
But that thing…
>"Streamlabs, the company behind OBS"
it triggers me.
Can you please correct this "stream labs did not make obs! OBS stands for (open broadcasting software) it is a fully open sourced app stream labs obs is a app stream labs made years later that runs off the back of obs." i would double check your numbers i have a feeling you are mixing streamlabs site and streamlabs obs numbers. if you are using streamlabs site numbers then it is off because as someone that uses normal obs i use stream labs site as a browser source for my alerts. a decent amount of people use stream labs obs this is true but i have a feeling your numbers are off please double check!! and correct!
Jesus Christ appeared to me in a radical way and changed my life forever……
Nvidia has gone completely nuts.
E.D.I.T.H ?
“It’s only invention when apple does it”
Wan show on youtube is down @TechLinked
Ok now amazon can listen our conversation from anywhere
Was that a Shark Tank reference at the end?
Why is it everyone who uses action essentials 2 kit from video co-pilot for blood effects forgets that they are played back at half speed
If the door dash doesn't come to my house will robbers comes?
Snapchat is for millennials ? You mean gen z…
I'm ready for Snapchat to die
Will the led be bright enough to hold into the air and summon batman?
I’d rather have James on my face
So my uni banned watches from exams now because of "Smart watches", so what's going to happen with glasses in exams? We'll have to see.
Ok wtf nvidia you are just cucking yourself by doing this to your graphic cards….
StreamLabs does NOT own Open Broadcasting Software (OBS). StreamLabs has a custom OBS fork called StreamLabs OBS (SLOBS) but it has very little to do with the main OBS Project, which was created by and is primarily maintained by Hugh "Jim" Bailey, who has no affiliation with StreamLabs.
OBS is meant to be a lightweight but generic recording/streaming solution. It has no platform-specific functionality, no integrated chat/dashboard, no pre-made themes or overlays, etc. SLOBS is specifically meant to be an extension of OBS for the purpose of baking all of those things directly into the program instead of having you make themes and overlays yourself and open chat/dashboard separately. That's also why it's three times the size of OBS. However, the code for capturing, encoding, overlaying, etc. is all just OBS' code, which has not been acquired by Logitech.
Internet radio ring?
Internet radio ring?
Internet radio ring?
Internet radio ring?
Internet radio ring?
Internet radio ring?
Internet radio ring?
Internet radio ring?
Internet radio ring?
Internet radio ring?
0:00 – 0:03 ….. and someone said they couldn't think of one more reason for Linus to fire Colton. hahaha!
RIP Minecraft Sword 2019-2019
He respawned there?
Does this mean there is a bed beneath him?
I see corsair (now owns elgato) and Logitech being the 2 biggest players in the world of streaming in the future (10 years or so)
is it just me or are they playing ETS 2 music in the background lol
samsung has edge lighting which probably still works better lmao
"Streamlabs, the company behind OBS"
Who the fuck does (or better yet – doesn't do) research for this?
not at all the company behind obs
Now it’s time for the quick bits
1 minute later
Now it’s time for the quick bits
Did youtube just bleep out the word "app" or did LTT do it themselves?
If Logitech does PC Cases and GPUs…… yeah, I'll be going full Logitech!
As if I needed another reason not to sign up with Doordash for my business….
Dude, millennials are way too old for that Snapchat shit.
Why…….. would you want amazon product.
Nvidia has officially given up on naming their GPUs??