WOW! Is the Bitcoin Price going to go BEARISH and hit $5’000 for Bitcoin in 2019? We will cover a HEAVY Bitcoin Price Model today!!
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Sollte BTC steigen, hätte die untere Linie des Kanals längerfristig keine Bedeutung. Viele reden von einer kommenden Rezession. Die Frage ist, ob die Menschen in der Rezession aus BTC auscashen um Liquide du bleiben weil Sie in anderen Investitionen wie Aktien herbe Verluste haben. Sollte BTC fallen, muss es ein großes Ereignis geben. Wieso sollten sonst einer in FIAT gehen.
Hope you are right and I can buy more btc for better value ?
should i now wait? or buy now?
Nice Video! Good stuff! I watch most videos in my car so it's impossible to comment. I think the modle will be broken to the upside.
its the best video and real ideo that you did! thank you
The hiden gems of 2019 U Network, Apollo, Credit made by Terra and Wavesbet they have so much potentials 500x very realistic, becuase of their great features and many use cases.
I get a kick out of your comas for thousands being up above 5’000 instead of 5,000 lol ?
Do not listen him you will just lose money, Itsnot going to 5000.
It is possible, but the halving is close so it might go up
Supposedly, there is a gap around the $8K range. If it is going to go down significantly, it would be better to do so now (to fill the gap) than to do so when it is at $50K
So which of your videos should we take serious. Today $100,000 tomorrow $5000. Enough of this
half of the time, half of the time… just like your daily price perdictions.. flip the coin bud lol
Thank you chris for being realistic. Much appreciated.
WTF! You said $14.5 then $5k? All these youtubbers are making kids lose money like crazy; all their TA is trash , a shame
I disagree that the model is predicting a 5K price within this year. It's merely showing us the price possibilities based on the historical logarithmic channels. Looking at the prior bull run the price spent much longer in the red zone than this year's run. So one can infer that perhaps we'll see less time in the lower zone this time. In any case it looks to me like since 2015 the price low has been gradually sloping away from the bottom channel boundary. With the halving only a mere 9 months away I can't see the 5000 level becoming a reality.
I have been following a lot of people and it seems that we do need to have a golden retrace. That it would be very healthy for the overall market cycle. I’m not sure, but I do appreciate you guys giving out this information.
I have mixed feelings about it Chris. I think it’s a good point, we didn’t accumulate for long and this pump felt too early and too big. On the other hand I think the danger with looking at cycles like this is there have only been two previous cycles.. two cycles is not much data to say bitcoin will always perform that way over every cycle. How well does the model really account for changing fundamental as well- more people aware of bitcoin, negative interest rates, potentially big investors starting to see bitcoin as a serious asset class, specific events such as maybe people trying to get money out of Hong Kong or China (maybe) for example. On the other hand there could be some ‘manipulation going on’, eg. some large entities pumping the bitcoin price up for some reason, with the expectation or likelihood it will fall back again.
I to was coming up with the bull trap possibility… sure hope its correct to buy 500% more BTC @ $5000…. I will start buying at $6500 thanks for the post.
Oh Boy! Moonboys are lurking.
Great content.. chris u r a genius..
PL !!!!??
If, and only if this descending triangle is breaking to the downside btc is most probably dropping much more than everyone thinks it will… 8000 not the bottom.
Past precedence has shown the bulls buying up any major dips. Likelihood of 5k drop probably not in the cards unless it's some kind of flash wick like we've seen before…but sustained low levels? Well, probably not but anyhow it's a good theory as it's presented, so thanks for another analytical presentation! Kudos.
I'm tired of these silly predictions. Toy keep seeing it must go this or that. That's total nonsense. No one can predict what whales or institutions still do. Same with consumers. The only thing is what will trigger the bullrun. Or more beat market.
I believed that bitcoin dropped to 5k soonest.
Maybe you need to change the channel name to "Pancakes with Chris" as in always flip flopping. lol
Expecting uptrend to resume for Bitcoin and top alts……..
Bitcoin and Łitecoin reward halving ‘supply shock’ getting closer….??
What will happen first, Bitcoin halving, Brexit or General election and exchange controls .
Interesting past; interesting future.
one day it's 1,000,000 the other 5,000.
Hi mmc thanks for this great observance. I will start saving some fiat and when it drops to around 6k I will be buying like crazy. I will not wait till it drops to 5k
This is not consistent with PlanB’s stock flow model!
just going on personal opinion ,Bitcoin always tanks ,or it wouldnt be bitcoin.Then it goes up again and tanks..Just like an ocean swell .Everyone would have to agree with that.Sometimes i wonder of the good old days for BTC have already gone.But if you dont stay on these waves you'll miss the future Tsunami
If a few newbuyers buy 0.001 btc, it sure go down to $ 5000.
If a lot of newbuyers buy 1 btc, I see the price $ 15000.
It depends a amount of newbuyers and how much newbuyers buy btc.
If you want bitcoin going to $ 1 million on 2020, promote btc for newbuyer.
5K_time? Green range ? Top_regression NOV19? 2020 50K_MAY?
the history of btc will not repeat, in the past there were chaotic plebs trading it, now institutional investors will rock it
interesting, you were mega bullish between 12k-14k and now bearish at 10k when btc is only $500 away from breaking out of the biggest daily bull flag which btc ever had :))
thanks ! We going to the moon ! :)))
just look at the big money aka rich people interested in Bitcoin. There is so much buying pressure that I highly doubt that we we ever see sub $5000
Sounds like BS. It doesn't have to be 50/50. Who says it has to be?
I just can't see bitcoin going to $5k. I think people would buy like crazy at $6k & $7k even.
The point is that in these times there was no big world economie crisis?
Awesome thanks.
great job, HAPPY BRITHDAY!!
Compelling AF
Make sure, you smash the down buttom!!!