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About the Author: IGN


  1. Everyone talking bout Oliver dies in 2020 Just cause of the crossover schedule. The crossover may not end with his sacrifice and will only advance the Other Heroes To Defeating The Big Bad in the Finale. Plus His Grave Says 2019 so Unless The Writers Make a Continueity Error, He dies in 2019.

  2. About time… I mean don't take me wrong this was an amazing show… But i repeat: was. I stopped watching when he fought that latino guy the second time Ricardo i think… I just hated him making the same mistake over and over again.

  3. I basically grew up with this character; seen this show have its ups and downs, but after everything, the arrow verse will always hold a special place in my heart. so sad to see this show come to an end, but as vision once said; “a thing isn’t beautiful because it lasts.” thank you for 8 amazing years

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