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Teeka Tiwari is a former Wall Street trader turned cryptocurrency and cannabis industry expert.
At age 16 he moved from London to New York City with just $150 in his pocket. Two years later he became the youngest employee at investment bank Lehman Brothers. He later went on to launch a successful hedge fund.
Today he shows everyday investors how to grow their wealth safely through a range of financial newsletters
FIND OUT HOW TO INVEST MONEY IN CBD – Click here: https://londonreal.link/cbd-ytc
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Website: https://www.palmbeachgroup.com/team-members/teeka-tiwari/
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Founded by Brian Rose in 2011. London Real is the curator of people worth watching. Our mission is to promote personal transformation through inspiration, self-discovery and empowerment.
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Buy XRP. Bitcoin is the fake play. However i still have atleast one.
Thanks brian i aksed and you gave it to me :)!
Watch this video after 10 years ..Hahaha
If your near an operating computer, your right. You may be fine. without it your stuck searching for access points. My argument holds. Aloha.
I would not trade my actual hard currency for your crypto wallet. And EMPs are not necessary for a catastrophic power loss. 1 earthquake crippled the entirety of Hawai’i for 3 day following a small quake of the coast of the big island in the mid 2000s. I was there. Had to buy a generator to keep my son’s feeding tube operational. There are many ways to achieve total loss of electricity. Good luck trading in a circuit board in a plastic frame for goods. Everyone honors gold in the real world. Always have. Without precious metals many of those devices can’t be created. Also I can trade ammo. But not for a unpowered e-wallet. Aloha
"so what about these lightning networks…"
The number one thing to remember when investing into something is to determine what value does this investment have. I’m not talking about what the price is and what it could be but instead what is its value to the world. Is it used in technology applications? (Precious metals). Do people need it to not shelter? (Homes/rentals). Do people need energy to stay warm and drive?(Oil). Can you improve the investment to make more, does the investment pay you to have it, the examples can go on for days and when I look at bitcoin as a investment all I see is a speculative investment that has no value. Not saying it not going to go up but you might as well invest into penny stocks and cross your fingers. If the world quit producing oil, medicine, electricity, gold or a lot of massive companies disappeared right now the world would go in turmoil because we as a species need them and what is produced, if bitcoin disappeared then society would move on and the only people hurt would be the dummies that put there life savings in it.
ETFs are thieves! Big players manipulate by derivatives! Tell them Brian!
Buy BSV bitcoin isnt the original bitcoin anymore. It was not meant to be changed, lighting net work is being addon as a bandaid for its massive problems and is going to 0 longterm!
For those who are sure crypto is secure. I have 3 letters for ya… EMP. Precious metals need no power source, or passwords. Aloha
Yes invest until you get rekt
The fed is under controle of trump. The centrale banks are going down. Bitcoint is going to blow up. The banks keep the coint down. So they can by cheap. Media comes with fakenews. So you are affraid to by the coint. Silver is going to blow up 5 times . Face book is going to go down. So don t do that coint. Bitcoint lightcoint and silver. Wwg1wga Q so from Amsterdam the netherlands. Don t for get that Amsterdam runt the banks in the USA. Who controles the past , controles to day. VOC slave trade. Biggest multinational in the world and was the first one. The Dutch run s the sea s. N Y was new Amsterdam. Don t forget .
Just a matter of time until crypto is in everything! Thanks LR
please invite Jim Carrey on your show.
Imagine for a while,what if users of calibra could exchange libra coins to bitcoin? Bitcoin price will skyrocket
Matic Network is the scaling solution to Ethereum.
Why would you tell the public if there is such a big opportunity to invest for yourselves? Why are you telling us?
I would really be happy and trust your channel more if you answer me.
I suppose he doesn’t realize google and facebook are ramping up their own crypto. You want them influencing the monetary system in order to cull those they disagree with??? Think about it. If big tech becomes money at this point, free speech is more than just bought and paid for. It WILL be subsidized through political channels before it could help the ones who need it most. #duopolydeathspiral. Aloha.
XRP – the greatest digital asset ever created
Diversify portfolio.