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About the Author: IGN


  1. Bold of IGN to assume I clicked this because I'm counting down to or anticipating the release of Cyberpunk 2077, I haven't even played The Witcher or watched anything for Cyberpunk 2077. I clicked because Deus Ex and wanted to see what else was in the list.

  2. I wouldn't really recommend Mankind Divided, Invisible War or that crap mobile game to anyone looking to play some cyberpunk games but ok whatever.

  3. Omikron: The Nomad Soul is a game with cool cyberpunk vibes. And the in-game David Bowie song "New Angels Of Promise" sets the mood so damn right!

  4. I would kill for DXHR remastered. Better graphics and maybe a new button layout for consoles. That's it, the rest is perfect anyways. Easily one of the most underrated games.

  5. System Shock 2, Republique, Hard Reset, Remember Me, MGS2, and Soma are also worth checking out.

    All calling Invisible War a "classic" is really strecthing it.

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