Picked up one of the $100 racing quadcopter off ebay and here is a quick look at what you get!
Its a 280mm size carbon fiber frame with a CC3d flight controller. The drone itself came with Sunny Sky 2300KV motor, 12amp ESC and 5030 tri blade props. I also had to pick up a transmitter and receiver, lipo’s and charger before I could get the quad-copter in the air. All in about $300 so about as cheap as you can go to get your foot at least in the door of the FPV world.
I learned a lot from this being my first RC build and iv a had a ton of fun learning to fly. Keep an eye out for FPV videos to come!
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How is prize ..the kit ?
friend that autonomy has and with what battery
Can't here you over the music ?
Very good. But does anyone else see the jitter in the whole video?
Why is it in an amazon box if u got it from ebay?
Wait, no fpv camera?
Can I have the link