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About the Author: IGN


  1. This is the real Captain Marvel. Not that crap that Marvel's trying to pass off. Carol Danvers is only Captain Marvel because Marvel needs to keep the trademark registered..

  2. Henry Cavill is more than likely out. As much as I don’t like it, he’s working on projects like “The Witcher” that could potentially further his distance out of the DCEU.

  3. The hard cut was a happy accident. it works so perfectly. Sequel should open up with Shazam and Superman teaming up though.

  4. I can see why Henry Cavil not be available to appear for reasons, but it's also a solid cameo and I couldn't be more pleased. Would I love to see the actual actor face in it, yes but at the same time, I don't know what to make it a better way to being an actor in just to shoot a quick cameo scene not really doing any much or speaking. Either way it's a same message. I was surprised just seeing SUPERMAN!

  5. Interesting story choice. The bullies were vicious enough to run over a crippled kid, then beat him up the first time. So the second time, they just give him a wedgie? Yeah, this is supposed to be more comical and not Heathers. But still . . .

  6. Hey folks, don't we see how WB have been playing with us leading us to believe Cavill is out but never actually confirming that? 🙂 In addition to that Cavill have been giving the weird hints. So, it's him.

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