I thought legacy of the first blade was going to be episodic?
"We are tired of the AC formula. Ubi has to do something new." – Ubi does Origin and Odyssey. "This is not AC anymore. I want my original AC back". Gamers logic at its finnest.
Wait…. Who is the assassin.
Its cool and all but when is AC3 remastered going to be released? My money is ready ubisoft.
"Assassin's brotherhood 'sub-plot'". Why is this game called Assassin's Creed?
This isn’t the Smash ultimate review
Why show Alexios when the story is supposed to be Kassandra
Man I just really hate the voice acting.
DLC with the Prince of Persia
Smh this should of been in the game in the first place but NO they had to do a DLC I miss the old assassin creed.. odyssey in my opinion had nothing to do with assassins creed I know this is set before all the assassin started but why put assassins creed name just to make a quick buck which is sad
Oh wow. Assassins Dlc in a game that doesnt have the Assassins. smh
So now people can stop complaining they ain't no assassins, there's one in the game now lol
why r people even playing AC od when there is Rdr2
so the next assassins creed is in persia. got it.
How far Assassins Creed has come. From realistic fighting sequences to flaming swords and people flying 10 ft in the air. ???
Assassin's Creed: Wild Hunt
7/10, no Nintendo on the box.
Lmao they seriously hid the Assassin's portion of an AC game behind DLC. Classic Ubisoft.
Will we get hidden blade?
Older fans ARE NOT HAPPY this is nothing like Assassins Creed
I just thing assassins creed is dead at this point stop playing a long time ago
What a mediocre DLC for a mediocre game.
7/10 – makes you feel like ezio
Why wasn't something related to the assassin's already in the core game?
Ubisoft- Why don't we try putting assassin's in an assassin's Creed game…
This should been in the base game
I still have no idea why are they still calling it assassins creed
7/10 Not enough hidden blades
We want altair and ezio stories back not this spartan stories
Not a fan of something that should of been in game
First wielders of the hidden blade
This game to me at least is not an assassins creed game. It should honestly just be called Odyssey because they have changed the series so much from the early ezio days that it's almost unrecognizable. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying it's a bad game just as a long time assassins creed series fan who's played all the games in the series this to me is not assassins creed
7.0… Is this another Far Cry 5 DLC situation?
No thanks waiting for an real Assassins Creed game: Ghost Of Tsushima
بلاخره یه اساسین که درباره ی ایرانه. ممنون یوبیسافت!
I thought legacy of the first blade was going to be episodic?
"We are tired of the AC formula. Ubi has to do something new." – Ubi does Origin and Odyssey. "This is not AC anymore. I want my original AC back". Gamers logic at its finnest.
Wait…. Who is the assassin.
Its cool and all but when is AC3 remastered going to be released? My money is ready ubisoft.
"Assassin's brotherhood 'sub-plot'".
Why is this game called Assassin's Creed?
This isn’t the Smash ultimate review
Why show Alexios when the story is supposed to be Kassandra
Man I just really hate the voice acting.
DLC with the Prince of Persia
Smh this should of been in the game in the first place but NO they had to do a DLC I miss the old assassin creed.. odyssey in my opinion had nothing to do with assassins creed I know this is set before all the assassin started but why put assassins creed name just to make a quick buck which is sad
Oh wow. Assassins Dlc in a game that doesnt have the Assassins. smh
So now people can stop complaining they ain't no assassins, there's one in the game now lol
why r people even playing AC od when there is Rdr2
so the next assassins creed is in persia. got it.
How far Assassins Creed has come. From realistic fighting sequences to flaming swords and people flying 10 ft in the air. ???
Assassin's Creed: Wild Hunt
7/10, no Nintendo on the box.
Lmao they seriously hid the Assassin's portion of an AC game behind DLC. Classic Ubisoft.
Will we get hidden blade?
Older fans ARE NOT HAPPY this is nothing like Assassins Creed
I just thing assassins creed is dead at this point stop playing a long time ago
What a mediocre DLC for a mediocre game.
7/10 – makes you feel like ezio
Why wasn't something related to the assassin's already in the core game?
Ubisoft- Why don't we try putting assassin's in an assassin's Creed game…
This should been in the base game
I still have no idea why are they still calling it assassins creed
Not enough hidden blades
We want altair and ezio stories back not this spartan stories
Not a fan of something that should of been in game
First wielders of the hidden blade
This game to me at least is not an assassins creed game. It should honestly just be called Odyssey because they have changed the series so much from the early ezio days that it's almost unrecognizable. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying it's a bad game just as a long time assassins creed series fan who's played all the games in the series this to me is not assassins creed
7.0… Is this another Far Cry 5 DLC situation?
No thanks waiting for an real Assassins Creed game: Ghost Of Tsushima
بلاخره یه اساسین که درباره ی ایرانه. ممنون یوبیسافت!

0:49 WARIO .
7.0, despite the video praising it a lot. honestly not a proper reason given why it isn't higher
Better than Red Dead Micahtransactions.
Ubisoft they finally did it Assassin Creed DLC about the Assassin because you not the Assassin so they give us the Assassin DLC in Assassin's Creed
Meh…where my ac3 remaster, a true Ac game.
It's time for prince of persia