Meet DJI Flip, the all-in-one vlog camera drone. Shop now https://brnw.ch/21wPZbo DJI Flip features a stunning compact …
Meet DJI Flip, the all-in-one vlog camera drone. Shop now https://brnw.ch/21wPZbo DJI Flip features a stunning compact …
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They have no competition but still bring out new better stuff!!! Love it!
During vacations, individuals often neglect to fully appreciate the present moment. Self-centered individuals tend to prioritize taking selfies over fully immersing themselves in the experience.
Vlogger here 🙂
Please can you give me a drone
This is what I need, I really don't need avata 2
Song pls?
DJI should make a golf version
Dji never failed to make a good commercial. Love form 🇧🇩
1:48 – 2:11 gyaaaaaaat! that part was amazing. The shots, the edit daamn. To the person that is visible in 1:51 in green glasses: IF YOU ARE HIRING i can work for a stew and a bed
Great service from @DJI though. Doing the repairs and postage for free 🥰
Is Quicshoot Dronie and Circle Avaliable in dji Flip?
DJI! It's time to sell the Flip by itself minus the $129.00 RC-N3 controller for $310.00. I don't need another identical controller.
Có gì có FM DJ
I bought it and i owned a mini 2 before , it makes a decent difference in technology, a better choice for beginners.
you give it to me
Po złożeniu wygląda jak wózek inwalidzki 🤪
no competition seriously. DJI is next level.
Price at Singapore?
Mal ganz blöde Frage, ich sah auf dem YouTube Kanal ein Short mit dem Vergleich der flip Drohne mit der osmo pocket 3.
Das Video sah ziemlich gleich aus, ich vermute dass die flip aus der Hand heraus getragen wurde und eine Aufnahme gemacht wurde,
-> 1. funktioniert das ?
Kamera an aber ohne flugmodus ?
-> hat die Drohne die selbe Kamera wie die pocket 3
Ich bin verwirrt !
the song make me sick…
Who are they competing against? There’s like no competition and yet they create product that’s new and revolutionary .. who says you need competition to invent. Tho competition would be nice, to lower the price
Big battery??
How many years will it take for you guys to make a drone that can fly for 1 hour?
Nice commercial🤙🔥
Call of duty bo2 drone incomming…………..
Whoah so useful….,
Why doesn’t it work with goggles?
I'm sold 🔥
Regalame varios drones dji , a la direccion:
Venezuela, estado Bolivar, ciudad Guayana, unare cerca de puerto ordaz, Villa guayana, bloque en el 7 planta baja 0001 , preguntar por jesus manuel ortiz baca , familia de los bacas y de genoveva.
This is going to be a game changer for adventure sports. So packable! I wonder how the battery is for multi day expeditions.
@DJI The Flip is super cool!!! Looking forward to seeing more content about it!!
Judging by the ad it can handle low level flight over water unlike the Neo which is dodgy over water….If true its a way better drone.
I understood it can't track bicycles. Why? And why car tracking is disabled? Would be nice to track static or slow speed vehicles too.
I dont understand, didnt all their most drone are flip by design?
Why not Dji Fold?
i expected to do flips tbh xD
I just bought the mini 4k like last month wtf man
Thought this was a FPV drone first but nope. Still very cool.
That drone looks super cool! I’m wondering why the Flip can shoot in log format, but the Mini 3 can’t. They’re both in the same price range, so I’m curious about the difference..
I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
These are so cool drone's from DJI, sending shockwave across the industry, One day will get one of these bad boys for myself and my videos!
This racist commercial needs more straight white men.
Dji should make a "Legacy" series of their drones, where they make new drones, with features like their more higher end models or a new feature, but using the old Dji signature design like the first ever mavic.
(Just to kind of take us back to the old times)
So Neo Or Flip what ya think Guys?
wow that opening shot!!
Still waiting for dji mini 5 pro and they came with dji mini 3,5 pro😢 🤦