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About the Author: The Telegraph


  1. That's the kind of extreme scenarios I sometimes imagined to scare myself or to make me feel like a hero… For them its real…
    That's horrible to see these men blindly killing each other whereas they don't even know each other

  2. 주일 우크라이나 대사 '야스쿠니 신사 참배' 후 공식 계정에 '인증샷'…"지원 끊어라" "침공 당하고 전범국 옹호?" 폭발 침략국 러시아도 북한과 함께 멸망해라!

  3. Russians don't scare easily. The more drones they lure into dead ends, the faster they discover the location of the mercenary operators, then Lancet or Iskander deal with the enemies. 🙂

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