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About the Author: Marques Brownlee


  1. Drone delivery will be like any other tool, it has it's time, place, and function. It's not a replacement for normal delivery by any means. But you also didn't mention the security issues with these drones. There will be a huge market to bring them down and steal not only the delivery but also the drone itself.

  2. This is the direction I believe we should push Siri or bixby to do… to run us that thing we need right now to us… not paying another door dash like service.. only thing I’d pay for in this case would be the hardware (aircraft) whether I own it or rent it like a citi bike and then the cell phone service for which my phone assistant wood use in order to communicate the task/operation.

  3. I'm from india. We have something called blinkit which delivers within 10 mins. everything from groceries to consumer electronics. I feel like most americans would be shocked by that judging by this video.

  4. I really want to see EMT drones. Something like a defibrillator, EpiPen, narcan, stop bleed kits, airway tools, etc can be delivered to a patient in minutes can be the difference between life and death. These guys started with hospital deliveries, so I hope something like this is in the works.

  5. Meanwhile, we in Urban India have been spoiled by 10 minute deliveries for 70% of our purchases.

    It is called HYPER LOCAL model, companies open dozens of DARK STORES, each one covering a 2-3 km radius. Several times I have ordered groceries while sitting on the toilet and they arrive just as I exit the bathroom.

    All this is possible because there is an abundance of cheap labour, folks are earning less than $0.5 per delivery. All thanks to huge unemployment due to our useless leaders who only focus on image building on media.

  6. miles far from here: India, a third world country laughs at this
    wherein you can get anything delivered within minutes ; you can even get services delivered to you

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