Today I take a quick look at the DJI Neo and RC–N3 remote unit. Have I given up on freestyle proximity and switched to …
Today I take a quick look at the DJI Neo and RC–N3 remote unit. Have I given up on freestyle proximity and switched to …
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Spirits up Bruce, onwards and ever forwards, cheers
Fuck dude waiting to flye the drone and just talking shitttt ashol
Wheres Week 2 Bruce?
1Missin u and the the rest of the folks gathering and flying at Tokoroa airfield… Go find another place Bruce.
I watch your other channels but it's great to see the return of RCmodelreviews! Feels like it's been an age. This is the first I've heard of the demise of geofencing. Good news, at least for some!
Cannot forgive. If I have to suffer with WS to avoid dji you should too.
Damn you Bruce. I was intending to use the "Turning to the dark side" title if/when I used something DJI based
Take the top prop guards off and it flies a bit better
there is only one righteous. one you lack rich dji guy. try 3-axis contra hexa cube copters. people fail first always.
Arnie can be on the viewfinder side, as long as he remembers to ask Chuck Norris for permission.
Totally agree. DJI camera drones are tools. Any of my FPV quads are so much more fun to fly.
Had to check this video out to see if someone ripped you off. Didn’t know you had an alt channel. Good you said the channel name at the start to confirm it’s yours
Noooo, you're not my father… Doh. Star Wars flash backs. I feel like I've been trolled by my favorite RC Wiseman! LoL
Congrats Sir! Enjoy yerself!
The Neo is fun. Absolutely love it.
Thank you for your "camera drones scare the sh*t out of me". This is exactly my feeling whenever I use my camera drone and I felt like I was the only one thinking like that. I lost a camera drone but I never lost an FPV drone, even though I fly FPV drones much more often. Being in total control has its perks, at least as long as you have a stable radio connection.
That new tattoo is pretty brave ! Good job XJet ! ♥️

ps I just had a look at your patreon page, looks like you increased the prices for the tiers after you wrote the descriptions of them, maybe tell Arnie if he's not allowed to work a camera he can at least edit those descriptions for you
My Neo freaked me out too when I tried flying on a windy day – I couldn't work out why the picture was constantly tilted about 20 degrees then I realised the drone was that sideways trying to stay in place. Then I tried to bring it home and it was almost at max power just staying where it was so there was no chance of it throttling anything down to descend, I had to fly downwind and drop it down to knee height to get it back. I don't fly it on windy days any more
You got the right controller, if you do pick up the 'cheap' dji goggles (N3 I think) you can turn down the spring on the left stick of that one and fly in full manual fpv, can't do that with the flash controller with the screen.
Really good little drone for self filming.
I take mine with me when out on the bike.
Lightweight and fits in my jersey with ease.
Phone screen control's lack precision I'm used to but as is so often the case in this hobby and life it's all about trade offs.
Enjoyed your video Bruce as always
Norm Summerton?
Once you see a tree growing out of someone's head you can't un-see it, good info, thanks Bruce
@ 2:55 My original Mavic Air manages to ignore wind with rock steady video footage while the quad is turning itself inside out try to maintain position.
0:20… New On/Off switchable Tattoo Bruce ? BTW… What ever happened to the ADSB ?
Botgrinder is your spirit animal !
nothing pisses off hobbyist then the big box company making something turn key that is actually good, I will prob buy a mini 4 pro just for practical use before i get back into fpv (thanks for my first fpv experience, it was your zmr250 built and i flew the crap out of that as a teen)
Thanks for the video! While you're out there in the park, don't you want to also record a video of your next training session for us fat people waiting on your week 2 video on your other channel please?
"Doesn't matter how much we resist—sooner or later, we all end up with a DJI product. First, it's just a ‘backup’ drone, then an O4 air unit ‘just to try,’ and before you know it, you're defending geofencing in Facebook groups. It's a slippery slope!"
mini 4 pro, full on auditor kit!
Spot on! Forget all that business politics and use what works. Involvement is just another word for not seeing the big picture. I hate DJI's business model as well, but I still love their products, and life is too short for business politics. Have fun!
Looking forward to your analog project. I just love my 1.2ghz analog setup, unbelievable range.
Bruce I just fought with myself for months over going digital and I have DJI an Walksnail, they both serve a purpose and I like both. DJI no matter about the company have the best.
time for a modern micro 3-4s fpv build please its been a while , and we would to see your pics of fcs motors props and batteries…. maybe do a insane performer , a all around and a micro long range vrs shoot out…. im still stuck in analog so maybe any good deals on analog tx rx stuff … i like the community actionist but miss the old Bruce build test fly kinda videos….. kudos to you bud keep it going….. also miss the guys and fun at the air field too
The Buttagrinder incarnate. Yhe timeline we live in. Ive learned so many inspiring and uplifting things frlm you how kiwi guberment is a bunch of smeagols. Also kiwi cheese is the bestest
Wow this guy and this channel has gone to the dogs, Dji is the best what we have for drones and even for fvp with the 04 and goggles 3 dji is just the best period and until someone else can come up with something better for all types of flying Dji will be the king.
That mayor fella really is the worst in the entire country. There's polling to proove it.
Bet your campaign could film some pretty striking "Vote for Bruce" ads with all that fancy footage kit you've got. Just food for thought.
Bruce for Mayor!
Hello over here from your workout video hoping for week 2 soon
Well I went nuts to Bruce I bought a camera drone as well , I bought the FIMI Mini 3 , still have not flown it . weather here has been crazy and even though it may fly in cold and wind I can not operate in cold and wind…LOL
SO it is warming up but the winds are still horrible, so I need to try it as I am not one to use a phone/tablet to fly
but waiting to see how it goes going to be sketchy…Lol
Still not a DJI fan and have not bought anything DJI….I have not flown in over a year, so that speaks for itself
Giday Bruce . I came to Tokaroa Airport about 10 years ago to get you to fix one of my drones . Then I guessed I was about 5 years older than you and now recently I purchased a Dji Neo without the the controller, after a couple of months I purchased the N3 controller, which I really enjoy flying. Blow me down, you've done exactly the same thing. Immmm is old age catching up with both of us
I bet that the same people who don't use the equivalent of your mate Arnie are also the ones who put a mask on without question.
I live overlooking a McDonalds ( nasty stuff, never eat it ). I quite often hear cop cars/sirens starting at the corner that just don't go away. ( a minute at the corner, then switch off ). All I can think is " Do maccas make donuts? " ( fresh batch, as per The Simpsons )
The important part is to have fun, Bruce!

And camera drones can be great tools, but also great fun!
Anyway, stay safe there with your family!
The DJI mini is handy to have in the kit Bruce, because who do they come to when they lose their fix wings way out over the thick bush, found three this year already.
JetGrinder is born. Fly what you have Bruce, if you’re enjoying what you do, go for it Sir. I’m familiar with that unusual difference between FPV quads and camera drones. It’s as if you’re flying with jelly-fingers that may or may not react to gimbal movement.
I don't have time for messing around with any drones, except the Dji ones. Getting things assembled and working or figuring out what is wrong with them, is not what I want to do.. It's easier for me to just buy a Fly More kit and have fun. I have a Mini 2, Neo and Flip. Great drones and the service from Dji is excellent. Also can't legally fly FPV in the UK without a spotter. Not knocking other brands, but I have what I have for good reason. Good for you for creating great video's and having the time and skill to do your own thing.
Brilliant, wonderful, fantastic!
Can you get into building hi def thermal fpv mini drones? Haha i just thought that if a war happens your government will beg you to be an instructor. I've been watching fpv videos from the special military operation for years now, its a fascinating although terrible evolution of technology
Thought u were Buttgrinder for a second