Drone’s Camera Caught Something Incredible

Drone's Camera Caught Something Incredible

Drone’s Camera Caught Something Incredible Incredible Moments Caught On Camera | Best Of The Month Hey guys In today’s …


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About the Author: Binge Finger


  1. 29:08 You CAN… you just have to make sure the packaging is NOT foil lined. If you get cup of soups overseas, make sure the LID IS NOT Tin lined… and if it is, take it off and make sure EVERY BIT of tin lining comes OFF of the rim of the Styrofoam cup; otherwise you'll get nearly the same exact impressive results… NOT that I have done anything like that–mind you.

  2. 8:48 While nobody was injured in this train accident, how much oil was dispersed into the lake & how large is the lake? 14:05 Now that would be a spectacular view sleeping on the side of that mountain. 15::00 I've seen plenty of dogs dig under fences, but chewing through them? 18:44 That's really cool, does anybody know where this is please? 22:35 Burning Man in Nevada's Black Rock Desert. 8-24 to 9-1. 24:09 Is it Boating Under the Influence if your 4 legged best friend is driving? And does he technically need a license? Thanks folks for putting together this video. Seeing things from a drone's vantage point is super cool. Everybody have a safe & awesome day.

  3. The eagle taking down the drone reminds me of a news video from The Netherlands I saw maybe five years ago. They were having problems with people flying drones near Schiphol Airport, so they trained eagles and hawks to take them down. The birds seemed to enjoy snatching the drones out of the air, and they timed it so they didn't get injured by the propellers. It was really amazing to watch a training session!

  4. Your drones are a true miracle. Besides the ones which really can fly, some have two legs oder four wheels, some are passengers on a boat, a plane, or a train, and the most stunnming drones are these which can put a human finger in front of the lens.

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