Hello Guys! Welcome to RRealmVehicles1M , This the WalkAround, Interior, and Exterior in Detail of the New 2025 Ford Territory DARK EDITION BEST BEAUTIFUL COMPACT SUV, This Navy Blue Colour Look really gorgeous in person, Please enjoy the video and subscribe to our channel, Thank you
Thank to Ford Monivong Showroom
ពត៌មានបន្ថែម: 078 999 773
The 2025 New Ford Territory Dark Edition BEST Beautiful Compact SUV, This Beautiful Mid Side SUV have a 1.8 liter GTDI ECOBOOST Engine that put out 190 horsepowers and delivered 320 newtons meter pounds feet of torque, its weighs about 1,520 kg, and its can accelerate-from 0 to 100 km/h in 8.9 seconds, and It have a top speed up to 190 km/h.
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#RRealmVehicles1M #4k
Why didnt u text drive it