‘SledgeHammer’ Corvette: 255mph Street-Legal Beast

The Callaway Sledgehammer Corvette wasn’t just a car—it was a statement. With 880 horsepower, twin turbos, and a top speed of 255 mph, it proved American engineering could dominate the world.


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About the Author: Lost Auto Story


  1. I'd like to get the exact specs on that motor, and put it together into a standard Corvette with the suspension upgrades and see if it could take back the record of worlds fastest street legal beast. I'm sure there's quite a few enhancements to parts for that engine, so it might be a little easier to get that power out of the engine. Better heads, intake runners, and injectors would help and that's just off the top of my head.lol.

  2. Name a car that can exceed 200mph? The majority of people name a Bugatti Veyron first, sadly beasts like this are forgotten about and rarely remembered or even heard of here in the uk. Technology has leaped forward but so has the complexity. I really love these older rule breaker cars.

  3. This is a funny thing that happened to my mother in law in the 80's. Before I met my husband he had a salmon colored Corvette and her car was in the mechanic shop so she had to drive her son's Corvette to the grocery store. She came home with groceries kind of shaken up driving that much power. 😄

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