On stream this week Michael “Shroud” Grzesiek told viewers that he feels VALORANT is not ready for its upcoming release on …
On stream this week Michael “Shroud” Grzesiek told viewers that he feels VALORANT is not ready for its upcoming release on …
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I thought tencent was the big guy pressuring riot
I'm not sure about Valorant, but let me tell this Jacob guy something:
Every studio ever that works for a big company, gets rushed. It's just a matter of how rushing each project is. This is because the higher-ups will take their time making and revising their decisions without moving their deadline, and expect the actual developers to follow up in time. What, you think they tell us "We are ready when you are. You guys decide when we can release."? No fucking way!
These folks are too on Valorants nuts. Tons of people complaining about the game and issues and they never talk about it.
after launch shroud said he was surprised how ready they actually were.
i played on 20 fps in csgo…n now in valorant its 60-70 sometimes 80… it's go season bruh.
I literally said this game was gunna be a boring dumpster fire snooze fest and that’s exactly what it is😭 it can’t even csgo2 the right way😂
And now we get 30 fps at some scenario..
The hit reg is still broken
I've never felt fps drops?
It looks like a rushed CSGO copycat designed to milk the competitive shooter fanbase.
All the kiddos giving much attention to Shrouds opinions that now he actually thinks he has much more knowledge than the devs themselves…. hes the kind of guy to love a game too much when sponsored and bash it hardly when hes playing it for free..
Of course Riot made them release it already, game has been in the talks for years. If it has bugs then so be it, that's what patches are for. So far from playing if for 10 hours I have only had one bug. Whereas a game like Fallout 76 well, there you can make the argument that the game wasn't ready and it cost me $70.
Well… Prepare to be STUNNED Mr. Jacob Wolf.
Shut up Shroud
How tf could he possibly hit 60 frames??? My lowest is 120 max setting 1440p? Not the most op pc either
Well Jacob, I hope you are stunned. That was pretty much the whole game. Sorry Brother.
The game is less fun with the amount of corridors around every single corner there is to hide in. Its simply BAD map design and its been proven.
I only want South african servers that is the only problem for me otherwise the game is super fun and competitve and i love it just dont want to play on 180ping
Its boring to watch, looks weird in general, itll die off within a year
60fps I have a steady 200 lol. I think it's ready!
The fact that you can get ristricted/banned from leaving casual games is honastly discusting it really makes me want to delete and i probs wont be playing the game because of this
Post launch, shroud was right. Problems all over the place and servers are down.
How can he predict it, if the game got a big patch on launch? I get that, optimization is orrible comparing to the beta (at least for me), but its in a pretty good state imo.
Seems ready to me
I disagree
Lets hope they fix performace. Runs worse than CS:GO and the game looks like TF2
jesus christ this chicks audio will not stop peaking
Man i cant listen to this, so many with bad mic quality, how can you put out something like this, totally with out care at all
okay but why are all of their mics bass-boosted?
Had 0 idea that arda ocal covered esports wow
They got alotta work to do. They either do or they either dont lol.
everygame will have a bug and glitches. best way to solve and find them is to release it to public. if that is shrouds issue then all games will never ever should be released.
ESPN who are these people? I want to see people commenting on games that not only loves gaming like these four, but people that actually have charisma.
It's a F2P game. It would be one thing if the game cost money.. but it doesn't. So even if the the game isn't "ready" it's not going to hurt anything because at the end of the day no one has to pay a cent to play it. So there is no pressure of "oh I spent $60 on an unfinished game". So I disagree with Shroud's opinion. Especially since they are even admitting that it's not quite ready but delaying the release of ranked until the game is "ready". It's essentially just opening the doors to everyone to be able to play it while they continue to iterate and improve it until it's ready for ranked. Because at the end of the day they are wanting this game to have a huge competitive/eSports community so their ranked matchmaking will be the most important feature in the game. They could say June 2nd is an open beta and it would be literally the same thing. All the same people wanting to play it will play it etc. It's free. The game is definitely polished enough that even without ranked it's very fun to play. I'd much rather be able to play the game with no ranked mode for the next month or two then not be able to play at all.
Just keep calm
If its goes bad we all have csgo
does Jacob think that the team is sitting on a treasure trove of unreleased content? i doubt it. i bet we're going to get one new map and that new agent on launch, and Riot claiming that they fixed the hitreg – that's it (edit: and skins. of course new skins)
Seriously, how many times have we heard that "It's just a beta. Release will be better."? I'm skeptical and will wait for actual release. If it's close to the beta state though, it could definitely use more development time, in my opinion.
If we are basing a games official launch tag as a sign of it being bug/problem free, than every game should be considered betas
I hope they fix the perma loading screen bug