Excel Esports Explained

Excel Esports Explained

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About the Author: theScore esports


  1. i rather see a 5sec ad pop up than them talking 3
    times a videos about there sponsers or ads , its getting so fucking annoying even in there shorts

  2. @theScoreesports 5:51 it actually happened at least once. Golden letters tekken 8 2024, Ak vs jodd losers round 2. Ak was behind jodd 2-1 but he had 1 golden letter going into game 4. He had his second golden letter with a perfect in round 2 and only needs another perfect or great to win the match. And he did 😅. He got the last perfect in round 4, completing the 3 golden letters. Ak proceeded to the next match losers round 3.

  3. All of you crying about the gambling site is pandering at its finest lol. You all play video games with loot boxes. You play Counter strike😂

  4. They could not even go one video without saying faker lol, I know it was always a meme here but in a story about Excel world championship lol I can’t even here

  5. I was just checking the channel for a new video 30 mins ago. Two random vids later this shows up in my feed. You never disappoint, theScore esports!

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