Bro I swear to God to see you deal what what I deal with because of my new car is scary work … Black men aren't allowed to enjoy shit when hater cops decide they have you profiled out … They will find any and every reason to stop you and they all know each other and they always act like they don't tip each other off about certain cars if it stands out they will come … He gave me a tint violation when I was parked at my federal job because I passed him and my car is loud it's a roush mustang exhaust stock … He was just mad and a hater fast fwd 3 weeks later his buddy that was with him stopped me pulling into my condo for the same reason I passed them doing 38 in a 35 and he said I was laying drag because I was passing through a yellow light and accelerated. Which makes zero since at all then I was about to leave the scene when I noticed the cop from the first tint situation and I called it out asked for badge numbers and all his buddies packed up and tried to run I chased the cop cars screaming give me badge numbers and they sped off …. These cops knew I had them caught.
is he drug deasler
Usual black attitude/madness
MKB!!! You are the number one tech reviewer in the USA! And you don’t have a Radar detector? Cmon man!
Did that officer in the last video also have a tinted windshield on that Chevy?
From June to Aug 2024 I guess he did not care to remove the very dark tinted smoked license plate cover.
I got pulled over for doing 42 in a 35 and it was a NJ State Trooper. That’s how you can pin point a rookie
Looks like driving while black is all a hoax!!! He gets treated better than this White Dude by PD!
Multimillionaire Youtuber gets a break..Life is not fair
This is why I don't believe "racism" exists the way people say it does. "iF It WaS tHe WhItE mAn, hE wOuLdA LeT HiM go".. Guys clearly black with the same treatment. I got pulled over only a few times but it's never been as serious as other people make it.
When you have his money tickets are just the cost of doing business
Remember when he edited his crazy driving out of a video?
Well, this is old. He doesn’t even have a car anymore. He’s in the porch now.
I absolutely hate this guy
bro playing need for speed irl
Why doesn’t he just explain the tints and license mods are for his safety since he’s a notable figure
They still write paper tickets??? Has the smartphone not been invented yet?
A plate cover is low. I hate them so much.
Does anyone else not really care that he speeds? It’s not like he was contacting minors or anything super bad, I don’t think he deserves this much backlash.
Who does the speed limit in a Porsche 911
I don't know what's worse 59 in a 25 or a tech Youtuber not having a radar.
Ahh, to be a rich celebrity.
It must be nice to be breaking the law left and right without any concern. Ahhh, I'll just pay the ticket from all the money I get from YouTube. It must be nice.
Bro went from Crispy Tech Videos to Crispy Bodycam Videos
Bro I swear to God to see you deal what what I deal with because of my new car is scary work … Black men aren't allowed to enjoy shit when hater cops decide they have you profiled out … They will find any and every reason to stop you and they all know each other and they always act like they don't tip each other off about certain cars if it stands out they will come … He gave me a tint violation when I was parked at my federal job because I passed him and my car is loud it's a roush mustang exhaust stock … He was just mad and a hater fast fwd 3 weeks later his buddy that was with him stopped me pulling into my condo for the same reason I passed them doing 38 in a 35 and he said I was laying drag because I was passing through a yellow light and accelerated. Which makes zero since at all then I was about to leave the scene when I noticed the cop from the first tint situation and I called it out asked for badge numbers and all his buddies packed up and tried to run I chased the cop cars screaming give me badge numbers and they sped off …. These cops knew I had them caught.
is he drug deasler
Usual black attitude/madness
MKB!!! You are the number one tech reviewer in the USA! And you don’t have a Radar detector? Cmon man!
Did that officer in the last video also have a tinted windshield on that Chevy?
From June to Aug 2024 I guess he did not care to remove the very dark tinted smoked license plate cover.
I got pulled over for doing 42 in a 35 and it was a NJ State Trooper. That’s how you can pin point a rookie
Looks like driving while black is all a hoax!!! He gets treated better than this White Dude by PD!
Multimillionaire Youtuber gets a break..
Life is not fair
This is why I don't believe "racism" exists the way people say it does. "iF It WaS tHe WhItE mAn, hE wOuLdA LeT HiM go".. Guys clearly black with the same treatment. I got pulled over only a few times but it's never been as serious as other people make it.
When you have his money tickets are just the cost of doing business
Remember when he edited his crazy driving out of a video?
Well, this is old. He doesn’t even have a car anymore. He’s in the porch now.
I absolutely hate this guy
bro playing need for speed irl
Why doesn’t he just explain the tints and license mods are for his safety since he’s a notable figure
They still write paper tickets??? Has the smartphone not been invented yet?
A plate cover is low. I hate them so much.
Does anyone else not really care that he speeds? It’s not like he was contacting minors or anything super bad, I don’t think he deserves this much backlash.
Who does the speed limit in a Porsche 911
I don't know what's worse 59 in a 25 or a tech Youtuber not having a radar.
Ahh, to be a rich celebrity.
It must be nice to be breaking the law left and right without any concern. Ahhh, I'll just pay the ticket from all the money I get from YouTube. It must be nice.
Bro went from Crispy Tech Videos to Crispy Bodycam Videos

“So I’ve been speeding for about 6 months now”