So we just had someone show us that Notion has been updated to include a new browse feature inside tasks that basically solves what we were talking about. Honestly, not sure how long it's been around so our bad. We'll make a correction next episode!
Still don't think it's perfect, but definitely better than how we portrayed it.
Butterfly does have a widget
Could you keep the Mac mini upside down so the power button is more accessible or would that decrease the heat dissipation?
We love old school runescape
All I want for the Notion mobile app is better widgets, I want to be able to see one of my databases in a custom view as a widget D:
All I need is a Evernote like app that's not €99 a year.. Notion is too much, capacities the same.. I want simple
Annoyed that thunderbolt isn’t the front io???????? Like I get the argument but no computer ever has the fastest io on the front? And while I’m down with the concept, the idea of being upset that the cheapest Mac ever doesn’t have thunderbolt 5 or thunderbolt on the front is crazy
Any time you do these lists, you should put out a written list! It is so difficult to go back and track these apps to check them out if we want to.
I think the cheap microfiber is when you have dry skin. But yes, only seen it on cheap microfiber. I've had it stick to my fingers like spiderman, its is like when velcro is getting old and still grabs but just barely.
I disagree on the one UI 7 stuff Because it's not out yet it's barely out in beta so it's pretty hard to have an opinion about it yet when most people don't have access to it… And it's still a beta.
imagine M4 chip in a Legion GO. how cool
Pretty way off on the comparison of the Mini Pro to the Studio. If you need USB A?…”if you need more cores”, well that’s kind of a big deal. Even the M1 Ultra beats the the highest tier M4Pro in a lot of tasks for a lot of use cases. Current studio is a terrible deal, but for a different reason, it’s about to be replaced. Just as when there was both same gen Minis and Studios, the upgraded Pro will cost you almost as much as the Studio, and will continue to be a terrible deal unless you keep it very basic and that config works for you. Brownlee knows what’s up, he should be correcting the other two if computers aren’t their forte’. Dudes on the left really shouldn’t even be speaking to these comparisons. Anyhow, GPU cores matter more and more everyday for photo, video, AI, etc…
Dope or nope
Its true you cannot contorl all the features for a smart device from the Google Home but you can do things like scheduling from the Google Home -> Automation Tab.. I have slowly moved all my scheduling for lights and smart devices from indevidual apps to the Automation tab… It works well.
The microfiber cloth thing is kinda like loop and hook velcro but on your fingers
I disagree with the Airtable statement. Try looking through a London market insurance data model in notion, you will go insane! I think Airtable has its place.
I'm kinda shocked that you're not used to a parking app that has a countdown and you can add time when you want. It even reads your licenseplate and does starts parking automatic in my country
You have to talk about Matter and Home Assistant. It will be a great episode.
Durability for Xbox Controllers really suck and that’s why I think PlayStation controllers are better one small drop and your triggers break every single one of my 8 controllers have broke in one way or another where I have 3 PlayStation controllers and they’re all perfectly fine
Probably has been said but Apple TV remote is still lighting. Maybe in 2025 we will get USBC
Please stop spelling out H. U. D. It's just commonly called a 'hud', one word, one syllable, rhymes with 'bud'.
I only notice the microfiber hand thing when my hands are dry and cracked.
46:10 1/ its folder hierarchy 2/ it’s not “chronological” when it is “hierarchical”.
Just saying; when criticizing someone else work, we can attempt to find the right words, perhaps.
Good point though, Notion’s app on mobile is reason enough to stop using it.
Why did he make a wallpaper app if he actually wanted a better Notion?
The automotive cameras live outside. So I think it's just a matter of having cameras that candle handle the elements. Not many of those have been tested so they're a generation behind.
Wait wait wait! I got it! The stupid under size button! Is for people mounting it to the bottom of the desk! It hangs and you can push it with no effort
Counterpoint, USB-C can do video as well, we have cheap laptops with USB-C ports(no thunderbolt) and they work great with our mlti-monitor docks, and the monitors with built in docks. I think the problem, there is that USB-C(3.0) i think would be limited to a single 4K monitor so you'd be taking up one port per monitor as opposed to thunderbolt which can probably do 2 of them with networking, USB and storage.
Is the audio off in this episode or is it me
50:04 Can't you make a schedule with automations? It should work no matter the smart device right? Go to the automation tab and make the starter a specific time and then add the action being your smart plug.
Also with Google home sometimes our Philips Hue lights will say "not responding" but then they'll respond in the HUE app for some reason.
My pet peeve with Google messages is how I can pin threads to the top of the list, however unlike iOS the threads move around based on recent messages. So they're not really "Pinned". When I pin a thread to the top I want them to be pinned where they are.
Where have the waveform segments been?!
David was spot on with his hooks analogy. I’ll take it one step further, the cloth is like the hook and my skin is the loop, like Velcro.
Not a big deal among Chinese car, such a big deal among Amrican cars. U can guess how amazing the best selling Chinese cars r…
Parking ticket app > notion
You know the scene from the first Tobey Maguire’s Spider Man movie where they show how he is growing these little blade hairs on his fingertips that will help him climb walls? this is exactly how I picture the microfiber touching my fingers.
10 sec into pod and 4 people already laughing, fun is good, but this sounds like if you remove laughing part your pod length will reduce to half, try to make it efficient
am i the only one that hears clicking noices sometimes whilw whatching this video
is it just me or Marques's part looks faded as compare to rest,like they forgot to adjust the contrast of that input or did that intentionally. But it breaks the symmetry while watching on big screen.
How about a Velcro with static electricity in it?
Lmao my partner could go on a week-long rant on the goodreads product experience
Mac mini – just leave a usb-c cord plugged into the back and bring it forward . Plug in whatever you need
59:16 Actually, once you setup Yale lock on the Nest App, you can control the Lock/Unlock and Lock Volume from Google home App. I use it all day everyday but you won't be able to set temp passkeys unfortunately.
So we just had someone show us that Notion has been updated to include a new browse feature inside tasks that basically solves what we were talking about. Honestly, not sure how long it's been around so our bad. We'll make a correction next episode!
Still don't think it's perfect, but definitely better than how we portrayed it.
Butterfly does have a widget
Could you keep the Mac mini upside down so the power button is more accessible or would that decrease the heat dissipation?
We love old school runescape
All I want for the Notion mobile app is better widgets, I want to be able to see one of my databases in a custom view as a widget D:
All I need is a Evernote like app that's not €99 a year.. Notion is too much, capacities the same.. I want simple
Annoyed that thunderbolt isn’t the front io???????? Like I get the argument but no computer ever has the fastest io on the front? And while I’m down with the concept, the idea of being upset that the cheapest Mac ever doesn’t have thunderbolt 5 or thunderbolt on the front is crazy
Any time you do these lists, you should put out a written list! It is so difficult to go back and track these apps to check them out if we want to.
I think the cheap microfiber is when you have dry skin. But yes, only seen it on cheap microfiber. I've had it stick to my fingers like spiderman, its is like when velcro is getting old and still grabs but just barely.
I disagree on the one UI 7 stuff Because it's not out yet it's barely out in beta so it's pretty hard to have an opinion about it yet when most people don't have access to it… And it's still a beta.
imagine M4 chip in a Legion GO. how cool
Pretty way off on the comparison of the Mini Pro to the Studio. If you need USB A?…”if you need more cores”, well that’s kind of a big deal. Even the M1 Ultra beats the the highest tier M4Pro in a lot of tasks for a lot of use cases. Current studio is a terrible deal, but for a different reason, it’s about to be replaced. Just as when there was both same gen Minis and Studios, the upgraded Pro will cost you almost as much as the Studio, and will continue to be a terrible deal unless you keep it very basic and that config works for you. Brownlee knows what’s up, he should be correcting the other two if computers aren’t their forte’. Dudes on the left really shouldn’t even be speaking to these comparisons. Anyhow, GPU cores matter more and more everyday for photo, video, AI, etc…
Dope or nope
Its true you cannot contorl all the features for a smart device from the Google Home but you can do things like scheduling from the Google Home -> Automation Tab.. I have slowly moved all my scheduling for lights and smart devices from indevidual apps to the Automation tab… It works well.
The microfiber cloth thing is kinda like loop and hook velcro but on your fingers
I disagree with the Airtable statement. Try looking through a London market insurance data model in notion, you will go insane! I think Airtable has its place.
I'm kinda shocked that you're not used to a parking app that has a countdown and you can add time when you want. It even reads your licenseplate and does starts parking automatic in my country
You have to talk about Matter and Home Assistant. It will be a great episode.
Durability for Xbox Controllers really suck and that’s why I think PlayStation controllers are better one small drop and your triggers break every single one of my 8 controllers have broke in one way or another where I have 3 PlayStation controllers and they’re all perfectly fine
Probably has been said but Apple TV remote is still lighting. Maybe in 2025 we will get USBC
Please stop spelling out H. U. D. It's just commonly called a 'hud', one word, one syllable, rhymes with 'bud'.
I only notice the microfiber hand thing when my hands are dry and cracked.
1/ its folder hierarchy
2/ it’s not “chronological” when it is “hierarchical”.
Just saying; when criticizing someone else work, we can attempt to find the right words, perhaps.
Good point though, Notion’s app on mobile is reason enough to stop using it.
Why did he make a wallpaper app if he actually wanted a better Notion?
The automotive cameras live outside. So I think it's just a matter of having cameras that candle handle the elements. Not many of those have been tested so they're a generation behind.
Wait wait wait! I got it! The stupid under size button! Is for people mounting it to the bottom of the desk! It hangs and you can push it with no effort
Counterpoint, USB-C can do video as well, we have cheap laptops with USB-C ports(no thunderbolt) and they work great with our mlti-monitor docks, and the monitors with built in docks.
I think the problem, there is that USB-C(3.0) i think would be limited to a single 4K monitor so you'd be taking up one port per monitor as opposed to thunderbolt which can probably do 2 of them with networking, USB and storage.
Is the audio off in this episode or is it me
50:04 Can't you make a schedule with automations? It should work no matter the smart device right? Go to the automation tab and make the starter a specific time and then add the action being your smart plug.
Also with Google home sometimes our Philips Hue lights will say "not responding" but then they'll respond in the HUE app for some reason.
My pet peeve with Google messages is how I can pin threads to the top of the list, however unlike iOS the threads move around based on recent messages. So they're not really "Pinned". When I pin a thread to the top I want them to be pinned where they are.
Where have the waveform segments been?!
David was spot on with his hooks analogy. I’ll take it one step further, the cloth is like the hook and my skin is the loop, like Velcro.
Not a big deal among Chinese car, such a big deal among Amrican cars. U can guess how amazing the best selling Chinese cars r…
Parking ticket app > notion
You know the scene from the first Tobey Maguire’s Spider Man movie where they show how he is growing these little blade hairs on his fingertips that will help him climb walls? this is exactly how I picture the microfiber touching my fingers.
10 sec into pod and 4 people already laughing, fun is good, but this sounds like if you remove laughing part your pod length will reduce to half, try to make it efficient
am i the only one that hears clicking noices sometimes whilw whatching this video
is it just me or Marques's part looks faded as compare to rest,like they forgot to adjust the contrast of that input or did that intentionally. But it breaks the symmetry while watching on big screen.
How about a Velcro with static electricity in it?
Lmao my partner could go on a week-long rant on the goodreads product experience

Commenting for the phone
50:30 try Home Assistent
Obsidian beats Notion
Mac mini – just leave a usb-c cord plugged into the back and bring it forward . Plug in whatever you need
59:16 Actually, once you setup Yale lock on the Nest App, you can control the Lock/Unlock and Lock Volume from Google home App. I use it all day everyday but you won't be able to set temp passkeys unfortunately.