The Tesla Robotaxi is Confusing…

The Robotaxi event was a lot. These are my thoughts, plus a test ride and some extras. Full unedited Cybercab ride: …


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About the Author: Marques Brownlee


  1. if the optimus actually legit becomes real (which it probably won't lmao) then the dream of having an ai girlfriend would be real πŸ’€

  2. Anybody thath knows anything about how traffick works and how cities should work, knows the robotaxi is a stupid concept. Hopefully it doesnt become a trend for the future of transportation, cause its not going to work.

  3. Thanks for keeping it real and being honest. Everything I have seen till now is a bunch of fan boy vids. You are the only one who called out optimus.. Kudos. πŸ‘

  4. I believe that this is a fair review. I hope it reaches some people and encourages more critical thinking. It rejuvenates my opinion of Marques. I have seen too many lies from other tech tubers.

  5. I would advise you guys to research Tony Seba, and rethink X. I think Marques isn’t able to see the big picture. He is still looking at Tesla as a car company. When the Robo taxis scale, eventually, it will not make sense to own a vehicle. Elon Musk mentioned no parking lots or garages. That went over a lot of peoples heads. If you can get a ride anytime you want for pennies for what you pay to own a car it makes the automobile ownership obsolete. I imagine him as the guy with the luxury, horse buggies snickering at the First automobiles.

  6. Thank you for bringing up how Elon skirts over whether the FSD 3 cars will have FSD. I bought, when I did, because he said that the car I bought would have everything it needed for FSD. People tell me I was naive to believe him. Why would I have assumed he was lying? I also paid, substantially, for FSD. It still can't do it. It's vastly better than it was, but it simply cannot do it without me taking over because it does illegal or plain wrong things. I paid for a finished product, not a perpetual beta that he now seems unwilling to say will be a real thing on my FSD 3 car. Bah.

  7. You misspelled ridiculous. I can't take anything Tesla does seriously anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if that demo was remote controlled too.

  8. Yeah, I I've seen what current self-driving cars can do and they make the wrong decisions or do really stupid things and the fact that it has no way to like override or steer it in case something bad happens is a no for me

  9. They used the event to showcase the basic vision AI control of cars and robots. The actual voice AI would be a doddle to implement as you just use someone else's tech and plug it in.

  10. How are autonomous cars better than expanding public transportstion? Like if I'm just going to sit in the car and let it drive me around, why do i need to own it? Also the inneficiency of taking a bunch of people and putting them all into their own cars instead of putting them on a bus or subway train is insane to me. Im getting visions of the "Loop" but scaled up to everywhere.

  11. This is why Elon is trying to become buddy buddy with Trump so he can push all this crap out with out regulations. He knows none of this is possible. He is a con artist.

  12. This is why Elon is trying to become buddy buddy with Trump so he can push all this crap out with out regulations. He knows none of this is possible. He is a con artist.

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