sova drone meets cypher camera lol Komik ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 面白い kekw #valorant #valorantclips #valorantfunny Thunder Vishu — June 9, 2024 44 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
Aww thats sweet
Proceeds to murder cypher
classic anime betrayal.
so good to be real
Below average jonas
Me: Yo bro copy my homework but don't make it obvious
Also bro:
For Neurotypicals, This is what biblically accurate Autism looks like
I m iron 1

Drone and camera watching each other

valorant mobile games gonna look like this
pov: iron 2 lobbies
How Scripted u want it to be?
the way he fell to his knees
when two sova mains meet each other
og sh*t
iron rank?
Both bots
Oh hello there
Edit music too bad
Não gosto de encenação
잃개 감동적이고 그것이 가장 잘깨지는 발로란트 영상은 처음입니다

2 gamer 1 brain
So this is what im missing out on in iron
When sova mains share the same braincell
dont ever make such irritating video
For 1 sek i thinked its real xd
skin name ?
I screamed "nooo " at the end

Sova droning sees cypher cypher gets killed dang bro always cypher..
I can't stop laughing

Guys like and subscribe
Braindead enemies staged
Which skin is it
the definition of a mirror match
미러전 확실 하잖아!ㅋㅋ
I’m iron1
Best clip
That fact the whole team is down and sova has all of util ready