When Conrad Miller turned in his motorcycle for a radio-controlled drone, he felt he was making an even trade. What started as an …
When Conrad Miller turned in his motorcycle for a radio-controlled drone, he felt he was making an even trade. What started as an …
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Man this is old school drone cool.
The reading's off the charts! Over 20,000!
Im a "Racer Kid" too but i wish my dad will race too
يا ريت ابوي مثل هذه هيج يحب الطيارات و يساعدني بيهن
That kid is not the only person that does drone racing.
Can you find a very cool kid inventor like me no joke for real
Dad: "Use the the force son"
Son: "…..really?"
Dad: "What?"
if i had more money
do u build your own drones
when u crash is the drone trash or do you rebuild it or do u have a bunch of them already to go about how much does it cost u every time u crash?
have a rise vision 250 great racer but I'm in need of something faster now that I'm pretty good at it
who else wants to see ant man flying such a thing !?????
Just wait until Abibi and Muhammad start making these drones…not so fun then.
Yeah man. That is AWESOME and this video is great!
Now this is Pod Racing!
i would freak out and start telling and screaming and crap
great video! im just getting into drones/quads. I also subscribed fell free to check out my channel and subscribe if you'd like thanks
Holy shit this looks fun
Dieudonné c reconverti
Amazing shots! Did you think about sharing it on http://www.dronetheworld.com? The leading site for drone videos. For more information you also can visit us on http://www.facebook.com/DroneTheWorld/
It's like Dell and Steph….but for drone racing hahahaah! xD
Great Story, great dad & sun-team. Wish my 12 y old son would be that enthusiastic about fpv/drones. He tried but now he wants to stick with delta-wings, no FPV…………..keep it up !!
Conrad — I am a journalist for Forbes and want to do a story on this. I am oddly in Boise in late December through Feb 2017 so would love to connect prior to set up an interview time. Best, Jennifer dantessoma at gmail dot com
ok we have now officially arrived in the future
Looks like a blast!
me and my dad play battleshits
Furadi is an awesome dad dude
jpp mdr on dirait Dieudonné ! ^^
that is so pimp
so inspirational awesome video
Where do u buy the DRL racing drones what were in this video
Father son dreams haha
nice dad
That is bad ass! I know my hands would be shaking as well.
Ive been designing, building, and flying quads for years but only for line of sight acro. I bought some Fatshark goggles a few years ago and tried FPV, but the image and field of view is so small that I'm not comfortable flying with them. Tried different cams and lenses but it was the same. Definitely, not the "immersive" experienced that was claimed. You guys must have mad skills and a good setup to be flying in dark spaces like that.
The future looks promising!
this is a cool video, great father – son relationship, and the LA racing course is one sick location
now i just need to find my dad to do this with
This is so cool
Wow awsome
what does this have to do with the Skywalker family though…
I had no idea something like this even existed. that is awesome. I didn't even think about "vr" like headwear for drones. I NEEEEEEED this