Why I spent $3600 on the iPad Pro M4.

We stayed up till 6.40am to get this video done, please watch lol I spend a LOT of time trying to make my videos as concise, …


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About the Author: Mrwhosetheboss


  1. The only way I found that I can use an iPad successfully to replace my laptop is to stick to using Safari browser, Google apps do not work as well as their browser versions. For instance, this browser version of Safari allows me to export a single page from a spreadsheet as a PDF. This is not possible in the apps, also, if you are using a keyboard the shortcuts between cells do not work in the app but they do within the browser.

    (I’ve uninstalled all of the apps except for Spotify. Running a iPad Pro with Logitech folio keyboard and trackpad)

  2. If you can run it on MacOS- maybe. On iPadOS no way. It's a big phone unless it's on MacOS. As a second screen for 14" Macbook Pro- interesting.

  3. Saying the iPad can do things better than a Mac is WILD. You're out of your god damn mind. I look forward to the "oh shit I made a mistake" video….

  4. So, what can he do on this new iPad that he couldn’t on the previous gen? The hardware is amazing. The software is way behind. Put a decent OS on the damn things already. This would make a great portable dev machine.

  5. Yep but like you said it doesn’t have file manager and you cannot install any computer app you may need for school/university

  6. I think people are forgeting that the new generation kids are using tablets more then anything else. These products are hitting their consumers, only that's not us.

  7. You are losing touch dude. The price is ridiculous and you are defending not just an awful company, but justifying consumerism and garbage products.

  8. He biggest concern about iPad or IpadOS is: Often using a single performance core only, maybe max. two of them! Hope, this will gone change. Also background activity with attached power supply should be offered. I never ever had any usecase for a Laptop!😅 Using passive cooled PC or iPad pro. We will be surprised about Snapdragon X Elite SoC Performance in a few months!

  9. At that price It should be able to run MacOS so that I can do programming with it. And it can run MacOS easily Apple just don't want to enable it.

  10. All I do on my m1 iPad is browsing and watching YouTube. And I will keep doing it until it dies. Because it’s good and will remain good for it until it dies

  11. Next time he says:/
    – you're asking me why I'm buying a phone? Cause you know I'm a tablet guy, I'm a smart watch guy but never been a phone guy 😐

  12. i dont understand the proper use .. like neither i can make serious zoom calls (as i may need to share some urgent files), neither i can play fortnite, neother i can edit videos properly (for professional use) , downloading asset, putting in files/ videos is too much time consuming…

    like this has nothing to do with processor speed… this is downside of tabs as a whole. i own ipad and android tab both.. like .. mostly for casual task… its not usefull for professional use at all.

  13. None of what you are talking about is new to the latest iPad Pro – at least to 9:29. Prepare to be disappointed – using an iPad with the Magic Keyboard is nothing at all like using a Mac, and very little of the difference is for the better. I went from an M1 12.9" iPad Pro and Magic Keyboard to an M2 MacBook Air and it is way better. That was while I had (and still have) a 16" M1 Max MacBook Pro. I have had an iPad mini 6 since it launched and I didn't miss the 12.9" at all when I sold it. I am just about to buy an 11" Pro to replace the mini 6 (for the tandem OLED display), but I won't be wasting money on a keyboard for it and I will be keeping my M2 Air and my M1 Max 16"

  14. I still think that an iPad is absolutely not capable enough to be as good as a real MacBook, just going on safari, open multiple tab .. like open a YouTube video on safari while opening an other … you can’t, you can’t run 2 videos on safari at all, it paused it ….

    App on iPad are good but very locked on what you have to do and you cannot move the needle from “it suppose to do that” to “let do more” like Final Cut .. it’s good but it’s stuck to what it supposed to do ..

    I mean that they’re still things stuck on the fact that it’s still iPadOS …

  15. With the current iPadOS there is nothing exciting about these iPads and they will still be terrible laptops replacements for most people. I've tried many times to go iPad only, so I'm completely on board with the idea, but in real life it's frustrating as hell. Mobile apps are much worse than desktop apps , take basic stuff like Google Docs or MS Office or Lightroom, it's just worse to use. Yes, editing photos on an iPad is nice and intuitive sometimes, but anyhting with file managment etc is a nightmare.

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