Here is my latest video of the Anfield Road Stand development. I hope you enjoy the video! If you would like to “buy me a coffee” …
Here is my latest video of the Anfield Road Stand development. I hope you enjoy the video! If you would like to “buy me a coffee” …
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You brought a wonderful tribute to your video today. You would have been walking for hours to get all in. Let's hope you find the others you were unable to find. Nice touch sir.
All this to be seen for generations too come. An area I now need to visit soon. Thanks for update. Interesting to see the new camera gantry in place. Made it look much tidier and less Invasive on fans viewing pleasure..lok forward to the forever stones 2.0
look around. YNWA LFC fan .
For a Blues fan you did us proud. For that i appreciate what you do for us fans.
Hi Lad, Our stone is in the Gerard Houllier of Forever Stones Dave and Sharon Simmill, Many Many Thanks
Hi Nick.
Would you please be kind enough to find my families forever stone.
The Myers-Longs.
We are Brits who live in the USA so would really appreciate it.
Love your videos, next time you’re at Anfield could you look for my stone…… it’s in the “john McKenna” stone area. Stone reads…. CHARLIE BOND ALFIE BOND LIMAVADY N.I. Thanks in advance. Keep up the good work, boss videos pal.
Thanks, Nick, for that up–date. I think you probably just missed my stones they are in the Houllier block but couldn't quite see them. My daughter and I are coming up in June, so we will look then as we are going to fo a tour of Melwood for the first time with ex player Steve Mcmahon x
Thank you mister drone just seen my father's memorial stone he passed away 3 years ago
Illegal not to have seats
Rails only would not be safe, unless they bring standing back.
How did people get chosen to have a forever stone and were they expensive
Great vid Nick – If ever the manger needed to motivate a player, he could do far worse than make somebody come out and read these to see what it means to people
Just watched this latest video. Watched all your videos about the builds at both Liverpool and Everton over the years
as red who's goes every game with his son this one was particularly emotional for me looking at all the messages on the stones from people who live far away or have passed on. The choice of music was very apt
looking forward to more videos of bramley Moore Dock as well , we're so lucky to have 2 teams and 2 stadium in the city. Keep up the good work ynwa
The Kop stand at one end and the Klopp stand at the other end.
Really touching that nick forever stones the bootle buck
Liverpool supporter here and I absolutely love Liverpool

Nick I have a question for you and it is the small triangle shape roof isn't at the right angle to meet the main stand roof how are they going to fix it
Hi Nick, my stone is by the top corner as you go in through by the park near to the middle stone. It's only a small one with my name Lynn Kilpatrick Forever Red YNWA on. You were stood right by it at one point in this video I think. If you could look for it that would be great
Hi Nick, Thank you for taking the time to record some stones. I have a forever stone in the Barclay section, a mid size stone , if there is any chance of you finding it. Chris Brodhurst in Oz
It's seats going in that corner of the anfield road end.
My stone is to the Left of the Houlier plaque
They should rename the anfield road end to the Klopp end. Great vid nick much appreciated
good win for your boys against us …well done i heard that Everton are talking to involvers or something like that came you tell us something…?
good vid on channel keep up the cool vid you do
Brilliant video thank you
Can you still got the forever stones
Hi, I just watched your forever stone video. How can I send you details of my forever stone and my name and section please for you to try and look for it for me if possible ? Thanks mate
The memory stones are a great and lasting memorial to all those fans who followed Liverpool in the past.

On a bit of a negative I just hope the contractors responsible for the laying of the stones come back to finish the job properly, why are lots of the stones stained with what looks like ink. No idea what it is but it's not right, also the majority of the pointing has sank, leaving gaps between the stones, exposing them to rain ingress. Not a good thing to have happen, enough water gets into the sub strata will in the end make the stones sink. Needs putting right ASAP.
Hi mate.Have you thought about turning to the red side and leaving the blue
Honestly though mate from a red to you thanks so much for all you share with us
What are forever stones and who are those people listed on them?
HI Nick Another great video showing all those forever stones I found this quite emotional and lovely background music to.
Again thank you for all the coverage that you and KC have done from day one.
Great job as always Nick have a stone narrow side of where Gerard Houiller plaque is going Anfield Road stand side super content as always
bit of respect lol, I like that. Liverpool did lose something big
you tuber Simon Wilson's stone @ 13:50 £40 Skoda to Madrid
Hi Nick, whoever told you that only rails and no seats are going into the corner block AL9 is talking absolute nonsense, that's been illegal for the last 30 years. The criteria and legislation for safe standing is that every space must still have a seat which ensures total control is still in place for how many supporters are in that block. Rail seating/safe standing is basically a seat that you're allowed to legally stand in front of. Another myth is that safe standing will allow you to increase capacity by fitting in more people. It won't and that claim simply isn't true.

PS. This summer the rest of the Kop (the bottom third) is getting rail seating installed. The Kop next season will be entirely a 'safe standing' stand
Good evening, I wonder when the other sides will start, for example, where the houses are located.
Such a great Video today Nick! I'm still to our family stone but now it's open I might go up tomorrow and find it! Lovely music, quite haunting really so respectful of some who are departed! Keep it going and Thank You! YNWA!
They was repairing damaged brickwork on both sides mate, been like it for months
Going to be called the Jurgen Klopp stand
Excellent walk on the stone wanted to get my dad one which I lost him 6 years ago , then my mum last year definitely would like to sort one for them both hopefully they will open them up again in future
That was quite moveing,,some made me sad as reading there names which they have passed away now
Great video nick
Thanks for all you have done on Anfield nick , i realise your like most and even though your a true blue you still realise it’s only a sport , so thanks to you and all the others that have covered this build I can’t speak for everyone but I am sure they like me really appreciate it , take care and I like many more will follow you to the end mate
Great video nick , ps whats happening abt the benches and have you herd anything
Nice one fella.nearly there.Are you doing anything for Klopps last home game? End of an era
Hi Nick l'm glad you got the message about the forever stones open to the public plus it help everyone to see there stone the ones who can't get there to see their stone great video Nick.
Excellent material of the day, I congratulate you, the names on the small stone blocks seem very original to me.
Terminaran el 2026
Great vid mate
Any more ghost hunts planned ?