rabbit r1 Unboxing and Hands-on

Check out the new rabbit r1 here: https://www.rabbit.tech/rabbit-r1 Thanks to rabbit for partnering on this video. FOLLOW ME IN …


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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. Its cool, but I still just don't see a purpose for this. My phone does all that and more. I don't want to carry another device. Most people won't buy this, so it will probably just die, before it can reach its potential.

  2. this is just another phone like smaller device with a different OS , nothing new has changed my life so far in 2024. !!!!!!!!!

  3. I noticed all the cuts between questions and answers, i wonder if it takes the same amount of time the humane pin does …. they probably saw the wreckage of the humane pin, and told the youtubers not to mention the time and put "first hands on" on the video

  4. Man i love this company i feel like there are so many good products being ignored, i cant promise ill sfford the 1st gen but please keep faith youre making a good product,❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤

  5. Rubbish, I’ve got an iPhone I don’t need this rubbish. My phone does everything this does just way quicker. Rubbish utter rubbish.

  6. If voice action it’s nailed , they have it . Voice assistant in phones it’s horrendous . In the same way apple made touch work finally , they can make voice work finally

  7. "Very cool packaging, quite futuristic." If by futuristic, you mean from the 1980's… That is just a cassette tape case adapted to fit their device.

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