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About the Author: MorePegasus


  1. 12:30 Is this Vassallo guy crazy?! When Siskel and Ebert reviewed movies back in the day, no one ever tried to restrict what they could, even when they gave negative reviews that could make people not watch a movie. Is he just nuts?

  2. Im all on Marques' side here. But in the end, even if hes big, imo he can just say what he want. Noone needs to cancel him or whatever. Lets say he promotes NS Propaganda. He will feel that, without people trying to cancel him. He will lose reputation. He might get banned from platforms. It will happen without Twitter keyboard warriors

  3. Apparently, if you say anything that might offend anyone on any topic, no matter how true or useful that information is, you're an evil person. What a wonderful ethical system has evolved in the last few years.

  4. Dude, what?!? Are you kidding me???? This guy is has beeen doing these videos since like 2005. Like the galaxy s2 era. Palme pre era.

  5. Bad review does not kill companies, HP is the worst, support is ass, their subscriptions are predatory and scam like. But they have some of the better products compared to their competitors. Surviving on good/decent products.

  6. If you are white, thanks again for defending marquee, there's amazing black people that do amazing work. They deserve credit n respect. God bless you. 2024β„’

  7. I agree if your buying 700 product i expect it to work out the box and not give me problems apple should have done a better job with it now they πŸ¦†ing up big time with this product go back to the drawing board and redo this product

  8. You can not tell the truth anymore in the USA because we have 2 people running for president who don't tell the truth πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.
    How about doing a review on the idiots that paid $700 for this piece of tech that $100 cellphone already do. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  9. If the price was in line with the level of performance, MKBHD wouldn't have had such a negative review. He'd still call it out for being a bad product, but if the cost was relatively low it wouldn't be an awful purchase.

  10. Nowadays everything is seen as "cancelling". WTF? Some people didn't like the way he reviewed a product (I wasn't one of them, btw), so they expressed their point of view. What's wrong with that? In the end, most people were on his side and it's fine. Stop overreacting just because some people overreacted.

  11. Kudos to Sam Sheffer. He showed he's in touch with the world he lives, that he and his company had an idea that was maybe misguided or not in touch with the market and the tech available, but the world is full of people like that who actually broke rich, so you can't blame him for trying. I'm happy he took it like an actual mature adult, unlike all the tech dudebros out there criticizing a tech critic for doing his business.
    You know what, Sheffer deserves to have his future endeavors followed and reviewed. He proved he can be part of the game of creation, criticism, success and failure, and as such, I'd not write him off for future products if he decides to stay in the tech industry. ATTITUDE MATTERS, and I don't hate him at all. His product was crap, his company DESERVED to go down, because that's how CAPITALISM, the system that all those dudebros love so much, works (note: I don't like capitalism the way it is, certainly not USA capitalism, but that's the game Humane was playing, so no one can complain there. You make it, you get rich. You fail, you go bankrupt, and it's not the end of the world), so I don't see in any way the problem in Marques's review, same way Sheffer doesn't. Sure he's not happy, but he understands better than anyone what they did well and what they did wrong.

  12. I'm just happy Marques lives in the USA and not here in Japan. Here in Japan there is literally zero protection against being sued for criticism EVEN IF THE CRITICISM IS TRUE AND VALID. The company can still sue you if they can argue you criticized them with the intent of causing harm, which is very subjective. The result? No one reviews stuff in Japan honestly. All you have are lots of shills, internet personalities calling their sponsored content "collabs" between them and the brands that paid them, thus hiding the nature of the "review" or "let's use it" content they put out. Japan is still stuck in an era in which consensus and not "kicking up a fuss" seem to be more important than actually providing fair criticism, which is ESSENTIAL for a society to work, for products to improve, for bad actors to learn that they can't do what they're doing.

    Literally, people, google it. It's absolutely hilarious.
    For instance, famous game director Hideo Kojima: he's a HUGE movie buff, and when people ask him on twitter (not calling it X, not now, not EVER), what he thinks of this or that other movie, if he liked it, he'll comment on the good stuff. If he didn't, he'll just say "I watched it". His fans caught up on the fact that that is his way of saying "it was shit", but without saying it, as in "I have nothing good to say about it, so this is all I can say", because, if he says "I didn't like this or that part", the studio WOULD sue him for damages. And this can happen not only with people who have a lot of influence, but anyone: again, NO ONE does honest reviews of products in Japan, at least not showing their actual name or providing any way of being contacted and, therefore, sued.

  13. 700 dollars and 24 subscription.

    who would genuinely buy this, i'd say give this idea 10 or 20 years to develop. dont release this product now wait til like 2040

  14. Let's be honest, and be thankful of people like Marques who provide reviews, and PEOPLE, REMEMBER NEVER TO BUY ANY PRODUCT SIGHT UNSEEN. Always wait 1 month, yes, ONE MONTH and get as many reviews as you can, then buy if you're convinced. NEVER BUY INTO HYPE, NEVER BUY INTO BUZZWORDS. If you wanna be the cool person in your group who always has the new cool gadgets, well, let me tell you, you're not cool, you're a nerd. And a rich nerd. No one likes those.

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