Without the power of flight, many wonders of our world would remain a secret… But drones, acting as our eyes in the sky, capture …
Without the power of flight, many wonders of our world would remain a secret… But drones, acting as our eyes in the sky, capture …
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Yup as usual, you can make a movie with an iphone… bit when it voces to mythical creatures it just happens the picture is washed out and unclear… face it its just click bait and photoshop…
Those are the rare breed of Generative AI mermaids.
Look like aliens
ok…..most of the videos are awesome but here's my beef about mermaids is that there are too many mermaid actresses that re trained swimmers that can hold their breath for long periods of time and even adjusted to getting salt water in their eyes to make It look real. I never trust mermaid videos. If it was way out at sea and there was no boats or land anywhere id find that more believable.
Garden Gnomes are all so Available!
hanging coffin videos are from Philippines… names are filipinos.. site @ Province of Benguet..
Do some research prior posting a video. The hanging coffins is from SAGADA PHILIPPINES.
hanging coffine is from Philippines my home country not in China!
Drones are not silent, most animals run at first hearing them in area.
At 7:22 you can see the aliens bug anti gravity disk platform hiding 15ft up in the trees.
I believe the odd run was due to it thinking it had, or from not having proper/working tech to have cloaking. LoL coyotes with him buddy
"1000's of gallons of water"
Reality, tens of millions
the hanging coffins are from (Sagada), traditional burial cite and one of tourist spot in the Philippines not in china
8:55 probably staged stuff. All together maybe…
id like to know where all these mermaids get their bikini tops from, do they have the same morality and dress codes we westerners do………..do they come ashore during the hottest part of the year and steal thet bikini tops ?
This is a joke. And if it's anything it's probably a falling angle which means it a demon
They don't have long flowing tails…they're very short…
Why would it be terrifying?

It would be awesome.
How did she get on top of the Rocks without climbing up. And how it was getting down.
Something fishy is going on here

Interesting compilation!

The hanging coffins is not in china it’s in the Philippines
Looks like the Pirate's movie when they were seeking tears of a mermaid. Kind of a crappy movie tho.
No click bait.
Some of this is completely bat shit ridiculous. More than half the footage is CGI implemented clips. That's the problem today. You just don't know what is real from fake anymore. Thanks technology…(g)
Sardines stink enough
There skin is almost scalish and trust there is different kinds of mermaids some look like fish others have a slightly human look to there skin dnt ask how I kno let's just say I've studied so many cultures of them and almost every ocean has some
FYI mermaids dnt wear bathingsuit tops lmaoooo
NICE video fish bait guys keep on KICKING ROCKS
and picking your big FAT Nose 

What’s up with all these c,owns out in the woods?? Any research on this group of individuals?? Creepy!
Drones are great for finding the lost, and for just having fun.