Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Unboxing!

Here is the NEW Galaxy S24 Ultra From Samsung! Galaxy S24 Ultra Pre-Order (BestBuy Trade In Deals): …


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About the Author: Tim Schofield


  1. 1、换了钛金属,可重量丝毫没有下降。


  2. I don' t understand samsung. I'm an android guy but samsung always follow iphone design but at the same criticize it. Now the color looks like iphone 15pro. They use titanium like iphone. They change to flat display like Iphone(more visible for the s24 & s24+). That's why iphone is still ahead in inovations..not just samsung..some of the chinese phones have somewhat looks like they have a dynamic island😀😀.

  3. Hardware exactly the same minus the 5x camera, with AI features that they're going to charge you for in 2 years. Hard pass both of vivo oppo or Nubia these companies are ripping people off

  4. I see 2 beds behind you.
    Will you sleep tonight with the S24 Ultra together in the same bed or you and the S24 Ultra in each bed separately ???

  5. I think I'll save my money, and stick with my S-23U. Especially since some of the AI features of the S-24U will trickle down to the S-23U. Samsung really did such a great job with the S-23U anyway.🇺🇲📱

  6. Man great unboxing but sick and tired of seen the same thing from manufacturers every single year. The only real innovation are the Z flex 5 and fold 5

  7. Already pre-ordered mine in 1tb in an online exclusive colour. It's coming on the 25th of January. I've got a free Galaxy watch6 40mm and the Sport Band SM for Galaxy Watch6

  8. All these years you Samsung fanboys saying Apple keeps dropping the “same” phone every year. Samsung just dropped the same phone for 4 years straight now. And that AI bullshit is  straight scam. 🤣🤣🤣

  9. When you are taking a picture, you forgot to press the "12 megapixel' option comma it turns it into the "200 megapixel" until you start zoom in..

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