My Top 12 Smartphone fails of all time (Episode 3), featuring fails from Sony, to Nokia, to Windows phone… For the other …
My Top 12 Smartphone fails of all time (Episode 3), featuring fails from Sony, to Nokia, to Windows phone… For the other …
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Thanks for watching! Definitely stay till the end on this one, I don't think you'll regret it
For the other Smartphone fails videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tq4Pb0OBYE&list=PLflqtq8EOGAKyBKc12n4dPiIAex5n4NgC&index=1
You said that Xperia phones released almost identical phones every year. What about Apple?
My grandmother used to own the Nextbit Robin, though she no longer uses, it was one of her favorite phones ever
your description of sony at the end is a joke and not intended. iphone make the same, barely an upgrade, copy each year and its not a problem for most. this happens for most phone companies now.
naming is dumb too. sony brought out different types of phones thus letters and each subsequent upgrade an addition of 1.
mark 1 only exist if expectation of a sequel. thus most mark 1's arent referred as such but 1 mark 1 is also just 1. no one gets confused about jurassic park being 1 even when not numbered because it wasnt expected to have a sequel.
finally the 'look' is subjective. the samsung and sony both have black outing for home button and camera. new phones arent much different from each other.
honestly like square edge phones.
I didn't remember Arun sounding so dead inside 3 years ago
I think people misunderstand the 5c. I had one and it worked wonderful for years. Pristine condition, thankfully no cracks even when it should have.
It had headphone jack which you rarely see nowadays, it was pretty damn fast.
It still holds up now.
I love the fails vids keep it up
He looks so dull here as compared to his videos in 2023!!!
The iphone thats 100 less is a 9/10. Theyre literally scamming you into buying a more expensuve porduct. iScam
5:00 You forgot to mention Minecraft: Pocket Edition.
I loved my old Windows phone. I had a Nokia Lumia 820 for a couple years. Was a unique and easy to use phone. Lack of proper apps was indeed it's let down.
Anyone else watching this on a Sony phone? No? Just me then?
I'm on a Nokia
More vids line this one please

I have this window phone
well iphone does what sony did the realese an identical looking phone every year
hi, just wanted to say that in south after we use a lot of lenovo and its highly rated here…however i do understnd that it had major issues within its start
my dad use to had one of the windows lumia, tbh i use to love the design, but ya the apps as you mentioned was just not there,
your my favorite youtuber
The Samsung Exynos one aged well…
Still rocking my Sony Xperia 5. Turned 4y old and still getting an easy day of battery life. Still feels snappy and it is a strong phone. Dropped it 100s of times and still no cracks in the screen.
Crazy now that Sony is making a comeback with the best cameras on a phone ever
Sony camera is so bad integrating with the rest of the phone that my XZ heated up so much the phone had to stop recording after a 3 minute shooter . They launch a phone which worked with their noise cancelling earpieces but the next generation stop supporting the noise cancelling earpiece. Crap.
That was the last Sony I had.
I really loved my Lumia 720
I want more thick phones, it may be because I grew up with thin phones but bulky phones looks way cooler imo.
7:48 i thought that was just my parents
i love the fact people started a petition to make Samsung stop with the exynos processors. "stop selling us inferior shit"
you know you can just.. NOT BUY THEM?
Sony Xperia phones were amazing, I was their huge fan
I had the OG Nokia Windows Phone. The Lumia 800 was such a good little phone absolutely crippled by the lack of apps. I mean the thing was a proper indestructible Nokia with a great camera for the time but if you don’t have any of the apps your friends use it’s quite frustrating.
Nah 5C was really cool…
Nah 5C was really cool…
And I thought Microsoft had the worst naming convention with the Xbox, because it first it was the Xbox, then it was the Xbox 360, Xbox 360 slim, Xbox 360 e, Xbox One, Xbox One s, Xbox One elite, Xbox One x, Xbox One digital edition, then it was the Xbox series x and Xbox series s
A worse lapse in judgment than Sony? Apple lol
microsoft will never win in smartphone markets
because their focus has always been business, and not everyone in this world are businessmen
windows phone may have lacked instagram and youtube, but they had terraria
It should have been Lie-no-go
People missed an open goal then
I remember having a Sony experia xa1 and it was quite a good phone, but it is very confusing trying to keep up with which models are actually after it