The worst game in over a decade. by @IGN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzQon38yg5w ▻ Asmongold’s Twitch: …
The worst game in over a decade. by @IGN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzQon38yg5w ▻ Asmongold’s Twitch: …
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DayZ is still the king
I actually do want this game in its current state if it's free, for the experience. I'd never heard of this disaster, then YouTube started recommending me this AsmongoldTV guy, and suddenly The Day Before exploded into my face
the one competent thing IGN's done in years as they mine for clout, but only way after the devs shut down – and mostly because the devs didn't spend that cash on ads with them.
What's a worst game like? Oh easy…. World of Warcraft
seriously that could be another no man sky story … where they sell a B game like A+ game … we just need to wait if they will upgrade it to his worth …. or fail and run with the money !
SPOILER: oh wait …. they won't they already close !
Someone needs to pick up the game and mod the shit out of it
So safe to say this is another (day of dragons)
We live in a world where Alex Jones made a better game than this
lol asmon, third person veiwing over a wall, is not wall hacking. be frfr
i dont get the asset discussion either… i guess thats the problem with our infantile pre-order gaming culture – they pick every reason to now cover up their naive decisions on a game that pretty obviously was deemed to fail.
Fuking hell. I was looking forward to it :[
Starfield 2, zombie universe.
This game was a rug pull lmfao they sold it and ran away with the money
Since BF2042 I stopped buying early access games. Just avoiding many traps like D4 and Starfield
The War Z
I fucking hate the word loot
Infestation: Survivor Stories (formerly known as The War Z) from 2012 is better lol.
Are you shocked? Personally, I'm not)
This game was developed by Russians and that's it. You don't need any more information to understand that the product us going to be equal to trash
Iam still waiting for this kind of game being done well.
I played hellgate london and liked the idea but it was to repetetive. I played Dayz but it felt kinda unfinished (not the arma version).
For this game i didnt even bother anymore, because one think i learned from recent game releases is: Never preorder, never play first week after release
crazy how this took 5 years and its trash but when a game is made by 2-4 ppl is way better
One prob means "im gonna ask for a refund although i got the game for free"
I kept skipping over asmon's comments cuz I'm too lazy to click the original review
I wish he would try Dayz
They finally did it. They made a game that's worse than God hand. Someone tell Austin eruption!
Fntastic: Put your things……….. In here
if this game is release on the 90's it will be the BEST GAME..
if the division 2 puts a ZOMBIE and a NO BULLET SPONGE to the game it will be NICE
Russians never stole anything. But here we are again.
just sux.. such promise just pissed away
This game should have been 0 / 10
Because 1 / 10 means that there is a game at all
"the only thing the game stole from me was time"… Dude.. I pretty much always agree with Zach.. but… TIME!! that's the most valuable thing we can have!! Who gives a fuck about money? You can always make more… Time, on the second hand…
wait a minute, that bvs pharmacy logo had a red cross, thats a geneva convention violation lmao
this was just the division's dark zone but done extremely poorly.
A rug-pull to end all rug-pulls. Even cryptobros are shocked at how scummy Fntastic was.
I have a question what was the last ign 1 out of 10 unbearable game because this might be the first time that I can think of that ign give a game a 1 out 10 I might be wrong let me know
Scuffed "The Division "
surprised they rated it a 1 considering they were 'promoting' it in the past