No Man's Sky Evolution Trailer | Game Awards 2023

No Man's Sky Evolution Trailer | Game Awards 2023

Check out how much Hello Games’ intergalactic exploration game has grown and expanded since it launched back in 2016. #IGN …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. Nah there is no way they are updating stations that clip at the end looked like no mans sky.. well, evolved no way this game about to pass elite dangerous in graphics. Can't wait for that next update been playing sometime a bit after exomech and it has came far since then even but if that clip at the end is what to expect the coming year then idk anymore man

  2. This game has come such a long way! Despite all the backlash and the failed launch, you kept working on this title and spoiled us with so much content and without having us to spend a dime!
    Congratulations, Hello Games!
    You made your way up into the gamers hearts and the video game olympus! (imo)

  3. Ставлю дизлайк автору ролика (а НЕ игре, игра огонь), за то что ролик в 4К выглядит в от силы в 360р. За обман.

  4. And that right there is how you take a company from the lowest point in their existence to having a platinum reputation, beloved by their followers. Hello games has earned our money 100 times over. And because of their steadfast dedication to us over the years, if they came out with a Tic Tac Toe game for $70, I'd buy it….because "Hello Games" is a guarantee that whatever they touch will one day become platinum as well.

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