Napoleon Review

Napoleon Review

Watch our Napoleon review. Napoleon, reviewed by A.A. Dowd. Narrated by Ronny Barrier. Ridley Scott returns to the old-world …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. This is like condescending ww2 in a movie you just can't do it😂 they should do a movie of just one battle of Napoleonic era.

  2. Watching this movie just made me realise how unintelligent man is. The reasons for leaders going to war were down right pathetic and that other men follow without question is alarming. How few men can lead millions of men to their deaths is down right unexplainable. seeing that we are still doing this today just highlights our stupidity.

  3. Absolutely mediocre and so filled with deliberate wrongs, it is insulting. If you want something actually decent, watch the series with Christian Clavier.

  4. It was a disastrous script. A really bad movie. Cinematography was flawless. But aside from that, dull, uninspiring, unfocused, unexciting, random, woefully inaccurate, and almost insulting

  5. "Little men inflicting their inadequacy on the world" Not only playing into the historical lie that Napoleon was 'small' (physically or otherwise), but tacitly accepting the notion that a man has to remain in his station if he isn't already born into an important family. This is a very reactionary view of power.

  6. IGN really gave a 7 to possibly the worst movie I've seen in recent memory. Most of the battle scenes were actually shown in this 6 minute video, pacing is extremely fast and if you don't know anything about Napoleon you will be completely lost, writing is atrocious and hard to sit through especially when paired with two actors who barely show any emotion throughout the entire movie.

  7. A bit disjointed at the start but thoroughly enjoyed it, particularly the second half. Some historical inaccuracy not a big deal to me as its not a documentary. 8/10

  8. A movie no matter how long can never make it justice to what it really went on for the amount of time it took, for those looking for something close, watch war and peace. Is a lot better and explained from the Russian side..

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