President Xi Jinping’s November meeting with President Joe Biden at the APEC summit in San Francisco came amid simmering …
President Xi Jinping’s November meeting with President Joe Biden at the APEC summit in San Francisco came amid simmering …
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This is obviously a complete failure from the US. President Biden should sign an executive order and sever all ties with China. When China can even get a fashion bag from the west, it will collapse
imagine trying to ban china from making electronics(which makes electronics for entire world).
if US was a BIG SHOT , i bet they wouldnt dare to stop Apple from making in china.
When you make sanctions to force some people not to do something you force innovation and self sufficiency.
Why are nobody talking about the Chinese memes of Gina Raimondo?
that was the best bit
Well done China
love all the comments im reading here – more insightful than the video itself
OK, slowing PRCs AI progress was behind the computer chips technology restrictions, but what about the access to cloud services or operation via international companies registered abroad China (other friendly countries)? Use of AI chips in a cloud service is also an option and PRC might just use VPN to access those services and pay for those services via 3rd party countries or create / register a company abroad and then export the know how or products to China. Currently many international companies are created/registered abroad to avoid both restrictions of China law (to protect privacy and business secrets), workaround western sanctions or pay lower taxes. Not sure how they expect to slow down the process while we live in a global economy.
Wait, you're telling me technical innovation can progress over time instead of being static?
Sanctions are the best way to encourage local innovation. India did this with so many products, eg: nukes, rockets, cold drinks. One would think that the States would have realised that by now.
Btw Hershey chocolates are a result of denied tech. Look it up.
That's what happens when you teach physics and engineering in schools instead of gender studies.
USA thinks everthing is about them
how does China make a chip break thru – when they are begging US to lift the chip embargo.?
Not surprising attitude from US. In 1960-1970s Japan products such as electronics, camera, and automobiles faced similar trade restrictions.
if this was made in USA
Aren’t China still depending on ASML old Litography machines? Which means, China CAN NOT produce modern chip without western technology
I have still an Huawei from year 2019 operating very well excep for Android not actualized from that year.
If Americans can be trusted, pigs can fly
It's performance is rubbish apparently.
Who decides that the Dutch are not allowed to sell their tech to China?
Shocker.. This was inevitable, what did you think will gonna happen, they would just take it ? Or were you delusional, enough to think that is not in their capability to make advanced chips? They will eventually make machines match ASML, they do not care about patents, trade secrets can be bought and sold.
Can someone tell me why it is bad for China to become better in technology?
Western countries gave high tech freely into chinas hands. Now they just realize what a big mistake they have made…
Well, USA under Trump sanctioned Huawei, those sanctions now backfiring.
OMG who would have thought 1.5 billion hardworking, innovative and brilliant Chinese could make a chip

Once china starts making semiconductors, they will be as cheap as potato chips! Not to mention, Taiwan South Korea Japan, all who are China's enemies have economies dependent on semiconductors and China's market. Once Huawei starts pumping them out, Taiwan will become north korea in economy
it seems that it's not possible to live along each other peacefully and just marvel at the achievements of other countries as long as the united states are around.

So proud of China. They will be ahead before 2030. (y)
They put a F#$$ space station

Space station up their
Are you still not impressed
West has lost to china in ecery field .
I am proudly own a mate60pro in the apple green colour
So what's wrong with China doing something for themselves
US made wholes ways to help China to develop their own semiconductor industry, and when Chinese go through this era, then there will be a doomsday of US tech companies.