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About the Author: Indiana Drones


  1. Y’all missing the point saying how it’s so expensive to start and he’s not even working. All I know is he took a hobby he liked, found a nitch, saved, worked and made more money than I’ll ever get flying drones. Then is kind enough to share the information for free on how to do it. Also he never once said the word easy in the video. Keep up the great work man!

  2. Google will have lidar drones surveying everything in 2 years. They will sell a “service” to do frequent mapping on construction sites. I know someone on the project

  3. The nasty people in the comment section don’t realize that a Part 107 test costs maybe $150 USD, and if you’re going to get classes for it, it’s gonna cost another $150 give or take… it’s not difficult to spend on those, and then invest in a $1,000 drone. Then they won’t complain about income. There’s no problem with putting some money to the side and then spending them on this investment.

  4. Congratulations! How much did the drone, camera and software cost you though. You gotta start somewhere but that seems like a lot to start with lol. ❤

  5. I dont think most of the comments here realize how business investments work. You have to spend money to make money, the only difference between this and any other freelance job is that the initial investment is higher but that also makes the returns higher.

  6. Surveying prices in my country is too low , about 10 times lower than what you get for 1200 acres, so we can't think about buying this kind of technology for mapping 😢

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