Ghostrunner 2 is an electric sequel that supercharges everything that made the first game so spectacular, while also vastly …
Ghostrunner 2 is an electric sequel that supercharges everything that made the first game so spectacular, while also vastly …
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I’m so incredibly stoked to play this. This definitely deserves a GOTY shout out.
Same score as spiderman 2. LOL
Ganji simulator 2.
The motorcycle sections looks SICK, reminds me of Kaneda's LEGENDARY motorcycle from Akira!!!…
Is it just me, or is IGN lowkey getting better at videogames in these review videos?
Wow! Amazing 9!
Ladies and gentlemen this is the closest thing we’ve will ever get to having an Alita: Battle Angel game.
Motorcycle segments are straight up F-Zero GX vibes
this is without doubt a great game but dont forget they gave spiderman 2 an 8
Imagine this on PSVR2!
Niceeee. Take my money!
The first one was one of the games I've ever played.
Getting this, loved the first game
They gave it a 9
Makes me want a Tron AAA game so bad!!

They gave it a 9!
9 – Amazing
Love to hear it
But what about optimization?
Reviews are to long these days.
IGN gives this 9/10 but gives Spiderman 2 8/10. Truly incredible
Can you finally quit then continue mid-level? That was a baffling omission from the first game
This one got a better score than its predecessor but Spider-Man 2 didn't. Scores make even less sense now

Positivity is the best medicine, and this channel is my prescription.
All about the gameplay baby
1:42 can we get much higher?
I‘m pretty sure I‘m the only person to find the Akatsuki easter egg in the first game. Or did anyone else here find as well?
Genji simulator?
Is there a 120fps mode on PS5 again?
Glad to see it’s great. The first game was EASILY the best cyberpunk game of 2020.
Not to hate on this beauty but How is everything getting higher scores than Spider-Man 2
First person??? Passsssssssssss
And they gave Spiderman 8
Another great game for the already stupidly stacked year of 2023. Truly the best year for video games huh
2023 keeps delivering
so many great games this year.
Finished it last week and yeah it pretty great.
It really makes you feel like a guy that runs faster than a guy offered a seat after talking to someones "teenage daughter" on the Internet
Beware, the PC version still has awful shader compilation stuttering no matter what your PC specs are! The first game is still a mess, the demo for this was a mess. Please don't support this until the game gets patched and fixed!
They give 9