With great Spider-Man video games also comes the great responsibility to rank them in a Top 10 list. That’s right: since the first …
With great Spider-Man video games also comes the great responsibility to rank them in a Top 10 list. That’s right: since the first …
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The Web of Shadows console version was also amazing, and way ahead of its time.
Spider-Man 2 2004 is definitely the best spidey game of all time…
Web of Shadows (pc/console) is definitely better than most of the spiderman on this list.
IGN with the worst take i've ever heard putting the console version of Web of Shadows down :/
What kind of rating is that? And they didn't even include Web of Shadows…
anyone knows the music plz ?
The best game is 8/10
It's my fault to expect something better than delicious garbage from IGN
IGN never knows that they’re talking about
Awesome picks,my favorites are Spider-Man and it's sequel enter: electro for PS1,Spider-Man 2,shattered dimensions,ultimate Spider-Man,web of shadows,friend or foe and the sinister six for Gameboy color.
Spider man PS4 was better than Miles imo, better story, more to do, more to unlock. Only advantage Miles has is some cool new game features but a lot of those are available on the Remaster of Spider Man 2018
Yo console Web Of Shadows is lit af
Maximum Carnage Is THE Best Spiderman Game Till This Day , Hands Down…
IGN is a fraud lol
Spider-Man PS4/Remastered was better than the Miles Morales game
Spiderman 2000 my first Spiderman game
the best
No 4 should be TASM game .
Here's some of my lists by genres:
– Beat 'em ups:
1) Spiderman & Venom: Maximum Carnage
2) The Amazing Spiderman: Lethal Foes
3) Spiderman & Venom: Seperation Anxiety
4) Spiderman: The Arcade game
– 2D Platforms:
1) Spiderman (The Animated Series)
2) Spiderman Mysterio's Menace (GBA)
3) Spiderman movie trilogy (Sam Raimi's version)
4) Ultimate Spiderman
5) Spiderman: Battle for New York
– Special appearence:
1) Spiderman & The X-Men: Arcade's Revenge
2) Marvel Super Heroes: War of the Gems
3d action adventure:
1) Marvel's Spiderman & Spiderman: Miles Morales
2) Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions
3) Spiderman: Web of Shadows
4) Spiderman movie trilogy
5) Spiderman: Edge of Time
6) Spiderman (PS1 & N64)
7) Spiderman: Enter Electro
8) The Amazing Spiderman 1 & 2
9) Ultimate Spiderman
Where is amazing spiderman?
Haven’t watched yet but web of shadows better be on here
Should have mentioned enter electro just for the soundtrack alone
Web of Shadows console was actually lit wtf are you talking about
They all got 7's.
1.Spiderman 2 2023
2.Spiderman 2018/Miles Morales
3.Spiderman 2 2004
Spider-man: Edge of Time is way better than Shattered dimensions. It may have fewer spideys, but Peter and Miguel have their own distinct personalities and movesets. They actually interact with each other. It has an excellent initial hook. It has an engaging story with twists. It had its own terrifying version of Monster Ock.
Web Of Shadows don’t deserve this type of disrespect
You didn't include amazing spiderman 1 and 2
Wow! You guys are objectively wrong about web of shadows
The console web of shadows hate is crazy
How can you give Spiderman 2 ps5 the lowest score out of the two spidermen on the ps4(5) and label it the best? There is some serious cognitive dissonance going on here
Web of Shadows is underrated nowadays.
miles morales a dlc don't want to hear it
yall only gassing up miles cuz he black crazy
This list is offensive, it’s like they tried to make everyone happy but it’s lacking coherent reasoning
When IGN doesn't know that spidey CAN run out of webs
How about the SEGA arcade game? do you know the spiderman beat em up game SEGA made on the arcades in the 90s IGN ?., that one is great too
Does anyone remember spider-man web of shadow?
Marvel's Spider-Man 1 should have been number 2 and miles morales should have been number 3
Edge of time, Web of Shadows, and Shattered Dimensions are the best of those
Neversofts Spider-Man 2000 is easily number 1
Spider-man 2000 was evergreen

making spider man 2 by insomniac #1 without it being out yet is plain meat riding… web of shadows CONSOLE is vastly better than anything insomniac has made. Try Running down walls when the game comes out gamers.
Ultimate Spider-Man for comicaly graphic and Spider-Man + Spider-Man Enter Electro for awesome childhood
Web of Shadows was fuckin excellent.
You put the wrong spiderman 2 at #1
Imagine putting Fortnite as honourable mention instead of Web of Shadows that literally was a great game