Dear kids – this is what your iPhone used to look like… Share on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/17J0QIQ (You can change the text) …
Dear kids – this is what your iPhone used to look like… Share on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/17J0QIQ (You can change the text) …
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I don't believe that a mobile phone will replace conversation, games devices, reading physically.
one is one day the system can break down then what? i have dictionaries some stuff is good to keep, like paper trails and books.
the desire for the phone, the paper newspaper, the clunky flashlight, the calculator rolodoex, BRING IT ALL BACK.
I'm still going to keep these. Any other.
You still need caculators.
Don't think they will let you pull your phone out in class.
Bruh why do I feel like apple is turning this backwards and un- fusing all these devices which have been conveniently fused into one device??
U forgot IR blaster
30 things you no longer need because of smartphones:
– Phone
– Flashlight
– Rolodex
– Newspapers
– Magazines
– Compass
– Camera
– Notepads
– Voice recorder
– Calculator
– Watches
– Calculator watches
– Alarm clock
– Egg timer
– Stopwatch
– Mails
– Portable game systems
– Maps
– GPS systems
– Encyclopedias
– Radio
– Walkman
– Record stores
– Yellow pages
– Takeout menus
– Weathermen
– Photo albuns
– Remembering anything
– Boredom
– Conversation, not exactly
i like the music

Am I the only one who's getting 6 y.o buzzfeed videos on suggestions?
me with a Casio calculator: you dare oppose me mortal
Ditched my smartphone, I like to be more productive and use my own brain
fax, bank transfer, electrical payments, water payment, shopping shoopes, book receipt …
Another episode of "Why is this in my recommended"
While filming this he had 19% I’m cringing
This video has been updated in November 2013. I think BuzzFeedVideo should upload another video.
It's 19%
We don't need friends anymore cause we have Siri :))
That was on 10%
R.I.P things.
This is so sad

Am i the only one who noticed match.com
Did anyone see that there was match.com on email?