MY FINAL CUT PRO X COURSE: https://fcpx.academy ALL MUSIC USED IS FROM ARTLIST: https://geni.us/bestmusic LIFTOFF: …
MY FINAL CUT PRO X COURSE: https://fcpx.academy ALL MUSIC USED IS FROM ARTLIST: https://geni.us/bestmusic LIFTOFF: …
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I´ve already lost two cheap drones, they just kept on flying and didn´t come back.
Great video!

I‘m thinking of getting a Mark5 O3 6S drone. Do you know how far you can fly with the drone and come back? I know it depends on a lot of facts and also the battery but what is your experience!
Thank you very much!
When it comes to drones…….this guy goes on and on
Can you put a gopro on the dji?
Thanks, i was looking for exactly your video. My Avat is limiting me

Vad använder du för sändare kontroll och goggles till din Mark5?

Beställt en AVATA och är så taggad på att börja lära mig köra lite FPV!
Eh..not true bro, custom drones running iNav can stop and hover in place
Thanks for the advice. I got the mavic 2 pro been flying for 3 or 4 years. I think I'll take your advice and buy the avata instead of going to a custom drone Don't want to get too cocky. The FPV just looks like so much fun especially with the goggles.
M5 or nasgul?
How do you get the cross hair on the screen?? tia
6:48 This beauty makes me cringe
I'm gonna go run your rates on lift off see how it works all mine are super high probably help me a ton appreciate that
I've been flying 10/12 and FPV for 1 month over 50 hours on lift off Sim and a few hours in the air and getting the hang of it I rock flywhoop 2.5 and cine30 nothing like FPV
Could you pair a DJI Avata with any drone controller?
I had a similar journey but you're absolutely right about spending time in the simulator. I have had a great experience with the DJI FPV drone before I eventually got "real" fpv drones but the only reason for that is I spend about 200 hours in the sim before I flew in acro mode for the first time and by that time it felt completely natural.
Imo people should spend way more time in the sim to train and maintain those reflexes.
That was great, thanks
Expert advice! Would the dji mini 3 rc controller work with the fpv simulator?
I don’t know how I stumbled across this video because I have no interest in flying drones, but I sure did watch from beginning to end! This was very informative and well shot.
P.S : Which Software can you advise me to practice flying for my Mavic 2 Zoom and P4P ? Please
Peter thank You so much for that Great Video
… im sold out on the DJI Avata but i need your Advice, please… fo you think that getting into the Business of Drone World is a Racing Drone the best way to go to get more flying skills ? Please… FYI i already possess the DJI P4P and the Mavic 2 Zoom … just got my 3 CASA Licences last December 2022
Is the drl sim a good sim to be practicing on ? I started learning on that and I’m worried when I decide to ever get a real drone , it’s gonna be nothing like the sim
I don't understand why it's best to start with a more expensive drone that you will crash and cannot replace parts when it breaks (Avata) instead of cheaper drone that you can replace parts.
thx man so helpful but those are expensive
loved your video, I liked the way you explained it but where did you buy the built fpv drones
So for long term future proofing control wise what control would you recommend?
I have no experience with drones or FPV drones and I wanna put the effort into training etc. I'm trying to understand though where would be a good start point for me control wise to use on the simulator
$600 okay sorry but I’m not in in budget
I want to buy an FPV but the problem is in Morocco it can be taken by the Moroccan Customs
Hey man thanks a lot for your content. The rates you have in the description works for both nazgul and mark5? And are them for cinematic? Thanks a lot!
hi peter, you got me inspired to learn fpv after i stumbled on your instagram FPV stories and seeing your progress! mind sharing your simulator rates for someone starting out in liftoff?
"I practice in this simulator almost every single day"… Playtime: 12.3 hours
Hey Peter I had no idea you were into FPV. I finally got my little FPV drone up and running and loving it. Will get into cinematics soon.
You are in one of the greatest places to have an FPV drone I swear
Believe or not , I have exactly same
Experience with the old dji fpv(mine went into lake)
Great video with helpful information! For the GEPRC MK5, would you recommend the 4S or 6S? Are there major differences between the two power options? Thanks.
IMO it makes much more sense to go from the sim straight to the real fpv drone, possibly with a 1s stick build in the middle there. The price of the DJI system is too high to recommend it to "beginners". You can set up an fpv quad with analog for under $300 then all you have to do is buy the action cam down the road once you can fly well.
recomending DJi to beginners is one of the dumbest thing i have heard today
Är du svensk( lät som det på ditt namn)
Are you swedish ( it souded like it based on your name)