Decent CG… Assume it's a movie clip. It's 2023 but cg still looks like cg… unless you have some crazy physics engine that can simulate every aerodynamic nuance or wing flap vortice, it still looks stiff, railed and fake to someone who's seen a million insects take flight in their lifetime. Mechanically mimicking the wing flaps of an insect would be very complex and hard to fit in such a small package… Way more complicated than manipulating the rpm of rotors or propellers. There's many things in nature that we can't even touch with mimicry. That's kinda why I've had the same user pic for over ten years, a Russian fighter and a dragon fly… We can design a 6gen fighter jet but we can't reproduce the biomechanical maneuverability a dragonfly's wings. Best we have is quadcopter drones that can whip around with thrust and torque.
I can probably take a part a drone and turned it into a Robotic pray mantis with camera eyes
I knew this movie
MOVIE NAME :The Last Ship
This was in transformers
spy on muslim , thats ur power ??? losers
Esa Dron Indian army ke paas bhi hona chahiye
thats middle east
Get me this pop product for free asap
Fake and gay
Wish this was not fake
Psp phone. literally
The movie name is….!?
people that believe this is a thing, ALSO think lord of the rings was a documentary
I want this dron bro
How can i earn it
Film name
We don’t have motors small enough for those legs, pneumatics/hydraulics also wouldn’t work for the same reason.
Close range
This is how silly conspiracy theories are born… from lying videos like this that extract fiction scenes from movies like this “Eye in the Sky” saying it’s news… Next thing you’ll here is video of “STUART LITTLE” saying ‘mouse caught talking’ or that Micky Mouse is running for president or Pepper Pig was seen working in a butcher
Ro-BOT fly
Atleats they coudlve spyed on usa or russia or china loke there is nothing in africa
Fake asf
Maded on pc 100% Motors that can be so slow doesn't exist!
Lmfao when Africans try to use their windows 98 PC to create CGI. I’m sorry I know I shouldn’t make fun or the impoverished and destitute
– A dumb despot would try to invent a "spy bug".
– A smart despot would try to somehow make some of his people dumb enough to believe that his governent produces "spy bugs"… … Apparently, such smart dictator exists and succeeded. Go figure!
I can baout
You can't control a flying object with a controller that has buttons, you need something that has sticks for precise rotation and thrust
Is anyone gonna talk about the cigarette pack?
Wtf so fake
Controlling Islamic terrorism.
How much you need by this device?
Crap.. what it's spying?? Some one offering prayer to God?? Technology gone nuts and useless crap..
That is from mission impossible 1
Should be an instant 3 month ban for anyone that deliberately posts misinformation.
Fake as hell
Bro link send please
#cgi from a movie clip
Decent CG… Assume it's a movie clip. It's 2023 but cg still looks like cg… unless you have some crazy physics engine that can simulate every aerodynamic nuance or wing flap vortice, it still looks stiff, railed and fake to someone who's seen a million insects take flight in their lifetime. Mechanically mimicking the wing flaps of an insect would be very complex and hard to fit in such a small package… Way more complicated than manipulating the rpm of rotors or propellers. There's many things in nature that we can't even touch with mimicry. That's kinda why I've had the same user pic for over ten years, a Russian fighter and a dragon fly… We can design a 6gen fighter jet but we can't reproduce the biomechanical maneuverability a dragonfly's wings. Best we have is quadcopter drones that can whip around with thrust and torque.
I can probably take a part a drone and turned it into a
Robotic pray mantis with camera eyes
I knew this movie
MOVIE NAME :The Last Ship
This was in transformers
spy on muslim , thats ur power ??? losers
Esa Dron Indian army ke paas bhi hona chahiye
thats middle east
Get me this pop product for free asap
Fake and gay
Wish this was not fake
Psp phone. literally
The movie name is….!?
people that believe this is a thing, ALSO think lord of the rings was a documentary
I want this dron bro
How can i earn it
Film name
We don’t have motors small enough for those legs, pneumatics/hydraulics also wouldn’t work for the same reason.
Close range
This is how silly conspiracy theories are born… from lying videos like this that extract fiction scenes from movies like this “Eye in the Sky” saying it’s news…
Next thing you’ll here is video of “STUART LITTLE” saying ‘mouse caught talking’ or that Micky Mouse is running for president or
Pepper Pig was seen working in a butcher
Ro-BOT fly
Atleats they coudlve spyed on usa or russia or china loke there is nothing in africa
Fake asf

Maded on pc 100% Motors that can be so slow doesn't exist!

Lmfao when Africans try to use their windows 98 PC to create CGI. I’m sorry I know I shouldn’t make fun or the impoverished and destitute
– A dumb despot would try to invent a "spy bug".
– A smart despot would try to somehow make some of his people dumb enough to believe that his governent produces "spy bugs"…
… Apparently, such smart dictator exists and succeeded. Go figure!